About this journal

Aims and scope

This journal has ceased (2018).

Communication Design (formerly Iridescent) is the official publication of ico-D (The International Council of Design).

Communication Design invites academics, scholars, educators, and researchers from disciplines related to communication design to submit their work for consideration. The editors will consider papers from a range of disciplines related to graphic and communication design, including but not restricted to: cultural geography, cultural studies, education, ethnography, design history, journalism, museum studies, semiotics and linguistics, psychology, and sociology.

Communication Design is an international, peer-reviewed publication which aims to develop and critically examine the emerging discourses in research related to contemporary communication and graphic design practice, education and methods as well as their history, theory and criticism. It features theoretical, historical and applied research in communication design, exploring both analogue and digital forms. Areas of emphasis include: craft and critical practice, pedagogy and curriculum development, typography and image-making, book arts and publishing, information visualization and digital spaces, sustainability and social design, politics and popular culture.

Communication Design aims to:

• uphold ico-D’s mission, vision and values by focusing on communication design research and professional practice as it relates to and is informed by policy, advocacy, and education

• develop and critically examine the emerging discourses in research related to contemporary communication design practice, education and methods as well as its history, theory, and criticism

The following types of submission are welcome:

• Academic research papers (approximately 4,500–8,000 words)
• Book and exhibition reviews (approximately 500–800 words)
• From the Archives (approximately 1,000–1,500 words)
• Visual essays (4–6 pages)

All submissions are subject to two, or more, ‘double-blind’ peer reviews.

Graphic and communication design; interdisciplinary research with an emphasis in graphic and communication design but including, for example: cultural geography, cultural studies, education, ethnography, design history, journalism, museum studies, semiotics and linguistics, psychology, and sociology.

Publication History
Icograda originally launched Communication Design in 2009 as an online publication called Iridescent with the aim of providing a platform to share ideas and findings between scholars and researchers across different cultures and to facilitate collaboration between the members of the Icograda network. In 2014, Icograda changed its name to The International Council of Design (ico-D), in order to reflect, in part, its new strategy for increasing the dissolution of boundaries between disciplines. At the same time, the new strategy is based on the conviction that ico-D will be better positioned and able to address the needs of specific disciplines and especially the field of visual communication from which it has sprung.

Communication Design aims to enhance this new strategy by emphasising cross- and trans-disciplinary thinking and by including non-traditional academic approaches such as visual essays, archive features, and professional practice case studies. In this way, practice becomes central to the Journal’s rationale.

Edited by an international editorial team, led by Teal Triggs, the new incarnation of the journal builds on the rich groundwork already established in its online form. As a full double-blind peer reviewed publication, available in print and online, it will develop and critically examine the emerging discourses in research related to contemporary communication and graphic design practice, education and methods, as well as their history, theory, and criticism.


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