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Journal overview

Housing and Society is the journal of the Housing Education and Research Association (HERA). The journal supports the mission of HERA by providing for the dissemination of research and other scholarly work. Submissions from a broad range of perspectives are encouraged. Topics in housing include: policy, design, social aspects, gerontology, behavioral aspects, energy/environment, equipment, interiors, economics, theory/model development, education, and program development or evaluation.

The journal welcomes the submission of original research articles, notes and commentaries. Notes are shorter manuscripts presenting succinct information on housing related to one of the following categories:

- Research: exploratory or not heavily theory-based or statistically analyzed
- Academic: innovative teaching ideas
- Program: development, implementation, and/or evaluation of Cooperative Extension or other housing programming efforts
- Policy: examination of policy impact, comparative analysis, and/or need to achieve housing goals
- Reviews: books, documentaries, etc.

Peer Review Statement

All submissions to

Housing and Society

undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and double-anonymized review by at least two referees.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

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Housing & Society is now indexed in Scopus