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Journal overview

Health Psychology Review (HPR) is a landmark publication – the first review journal in the important and growing discipline of health psychology. This new international forum, edited by a highly respected team, provides a leading environment for review, theory, and conceptual development. HPR contributes to the advancement of the discipline of health psychology and strengthens its relationship to the field of psychology as a whole, as well as to other related academic and professional arenas. It is essential reading for those engaged in the study, teaching, and practice of health psychology, behavioral medicine, and associated areas.

HPR is dedicated to theoretical and conceptual work, as well as evaluative, integrative, meta-analytic and systematic reviews and interpretations of substantive issues in the general domain of health psychology. The journal particularly favors theory-based reviews of empirical contributions that afford integrative theoretical formulations of work in a given area of health psychology and reviews of developments that develop connections between areas of research within the general domain of health psychology as well as with other disciplines (ranging from biology to policy-oriented research domains). Papers that consider the cross-cultural and cross-national relevance and appropriateness of theories and key concepts are also welcomed. Articles focusing on methodological issues and problems of design and measurement will be considered if they make a direct and substantial contribution to theory. Brief commentaries addressing progress in specific sub-fields of health psychology, comments that apply to existing theoretical models and approaches, and discussions about previously published articles, can also be considered.

Peer Review Integrity

All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.


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