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Health Sociology Review
Call for proposals for Special Issue by Guest Editors
Issue 1, 2026

Health Sociology Review (HSR) is an international peer-reviewed journal, which publishes high quality conceptual and empirical research in the sociology of health, illness and medicine. Published three times per year, the journal prioritises original research papers. It is ranked Q1 in both Health (Social Science) and Sociology & Political Science in the SJR journal rankings. More information about the journal is available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=rhsr20

Each year the journal publishes a special issue on a matter of central importance to health sociology and related fields, edited by guest editors. Previous special issues have addressed topics around Indigenous knowledges, violence against women, temporality, posthuman perspectives, trans health, sex tech, COVID-19 and self-tracking.

The Editors of HSR encourage sociologists to submit proposals to develop and edit special issues exploring new ideas and the cutting edge of their field of expertise. We particularly welcome proposals for special issues with a focus on novel empirical domains, theoretical frameworks and/or methodologies in the sociology of health and illness (for example, the intersection of health sociology and climate change).

Please note, to allow time for the reviews to be received and revisions to be completed, special issue authors need to work to a deadline for the initial full manuscript submission in April 2025, with final copy by end of November, 2025.

Papers featured in special issues are subject to the normal process of peer review. Selection of papers and coordination of the peer review process will be the responsibility of the guest editors. Papers may be selected either on the basis of invitation or via a general ‘call for papers’.

Proposals for guest edited issues of Health Sociology Review should address the following:

  1. Contact details and brief biography for each guest editor;
  2. Sociological theme. This should be a 300-word summary of major ideas and themes;
  3. Identification of publication strategy. This should outline international contacts, and key researchers in the field that you will contact requesting they advertise the Special issue/and or submit papers;
  4. Division of labour of guest editorial team: outline of lead editor, who will write editorial, handling of papers and referee process; and
  5. If your proposal for a guest edited issue is accepted a one-page ‘call for papers’ flyer will be required.

Note: if guest editors would like to submit a refereed paper for publication in the issue, they must follow the Committee of Publication Ethics’ Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for journal editors when assessing their own papers for publication in the special issue.

Special Issue 2026 proposals will be reviewed by the editorial team. One member of the editorial team will continue to work with the successful guest editors throughout the editorial process to bring the Special Issue to print.

Please submit expressions of interest to guest edit the February 2026 Special Issue to Dr Katherine Kenny, Editor in Chief, by July 14th, 2024 to [email protected].

If you have any questions or you would like to discuss your ideas, please contact Dr Katherine Kenny via [email protected].

Editorial Team

Editor in Chief:

Dr Katherine Kenny - Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies and School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Sydney

Associate Editors:

Professor Jakelin Troy, Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Portfolio, University of Sydney
Dr Sophie Lewis, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney
Dr Adrian Farrugia, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University
Dr Benjamin Hankel, Institute for Culture and Society and Young and Resilient Research Centre, Western Sydney University
Dr Brendan Churchill, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne
Dr Kerryn Drysdale, Centre for Social Research in Health, University of New South Wales

Senior Editorial Advisors:

Prof Karen Willis - Victoria University, Australia
A/Prof Sarah MacLean - La Trobe University, Australia

Managing Editor:

Sally Daly