About this journal

Aims and scope

The Annals of the International Communication Association is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing state-of-the-discipline literature reviews and essays, including: descriptive reviews; meta-analyses; and theoretical essays. Please note that the journal does not accept submissions which are based on single-country or single-case empirical studies.

Submissions to the Annals are broadly defined as follows:

  • Reviewsretrospective reviews, helping readers understand the development of current knowledge within the discipline over a defined period in the past, or prescriptive reviews, creating a roadmap for future direction of research on communication
  • Communication Insights – examining a set of predetermined topics that provide a degree of continuity across the years and indicate how a specific research topic has developed. A set of predetermined topics will rotate over five year periods
  • Book Reviews – reviewing a set of recently published books that focus on a central theme within the discipline. The goal of the Annals book reviews is to provide a critical review and synthesis of published books. The Editor encourages authors from non-English language speaking countries to consider submitting topical reviews of books not available in the English language in order to increase the reach of communication studies research globally.

The Annals is both international and interdisciplinary in scope, with authors and chapters representing the broad global interests of the International Communication Association. These interests are represented in the various divisions and interest groups of the ICA:

  • Children, Adolescents and the Media
  • Communication and Technology
  • Communication History
  • Communication Law and Policy
  • Computational Methods
  • Environmental Communication
  • Ethnicity and Race in Communication
  • Feminist Scholarship
  • Game StudiesGlobal Communication and Social Change
  • Health Communication
  • Information Systems
  • Instructional and Developmental Communication
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Journalism Studies
  • Language and Social Interaction
  • Mass Communication
  • Mobile Communication
  • Organizational Communication
  • Philosophy, Theory and Critique
  • Political Communication
  • Popular Media and Culture
  • Public Relations
  • Visual Communication Studies
  • Activism, Communication and Social Justice
  • Communication Science and Biology
  • Human-Machine Communication
  • Intergroup Communication
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Studies
  • Media Industry Studies
  • Public Diplomacy
  • Sport Communication

All submissions will be subject to initial editor screening and subsequent peer review.

The Annals will continue the traditions established in Communication Yearbook providing an updated context for key research from across the Association.

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Editorial board

Herman Wasserman, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Associate Editors
Ingrid Bachmann, Pontificia Universidad,  Cat ólica  de Chile, Chile
Thomas Hanitzsch , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Levi Obonyo Daystar University, Kenya
Weiyu Zhang , National University of Singapore, Singapore

Assistant Editor
Chikezie Uzuegbunam, Rhodes University, South Africa

Editorial Board
Tanja Bosch, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Jean Burgess,  Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Matt Carlson,  University of Minnesota, USA
François Cooren,  University of Montreal, Canada
Miyase Christensen, Stockholm University, Sweden
Monica Chibita,  Uganda Christian University, Uganda
Mark Deuze,  University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hopeton Dunn University of Botswana, Botswana
Terry Flew,  Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Audrey Gadzekpo,  University of Ghana, Ghana
Cherian George,  Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Gerard Goggin,  Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Daniel C. Hallin,  University of California, San Diego, USA
Dr. Basyouni Hamada, Qatar University, Qatar
Deqiang Ji,  Communication University of China, China
Marwan Kraidy,  Northwestern University, Qatar
Janet Kwami,  Furman University, USA
Kehbuma Langmia, Howard University, USA
Robin Mansell,  London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Toby Miller,  University of California Riverside, USA
Dani Madrid-Morales,  University of Sheffield, UK
Patricia Moy,  University of Washington, USA
Patrick D. Murphy,  Temple University, USA
Mary Beth Oliver,  Penn State University, USA
Zizi Papacharissi, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Fernando Oliveira Paulino, University of Brasilia, Brasil
Jessica Piotrowski, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jack Linchuan Qiu,  National University of Singapore, Singapore
Sudeshna Roy,  Stephen F. Austin State University, USA
H. Leslie Steeves,  University of Oregon, USA
Jesper Strömbäck,  University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Federico Subervi,  University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Keyan Tomaselli,  University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Thomas Tufte,  Loughborough University, UK
Karin Wahl-Jorgensen,  Cardiff University, UK
Paul J. Wright,  The Media School, USA
Barbie Zelizer,  University of Pennsylvania, USA

Abstracting and indexing

Annals of the International Communication Association is abstracted/indexed in

  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • Scopus

Open access

Annals of the International Communication Association is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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  1. Increase the discoverability and readership of your article
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  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

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Association information

The International Communication Association (ICA)

ICA is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching, and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication. ICA was founded in 1950, and now has over 4,500 members in 80 countries. Since 2003, ICA has been officially associated with the United Nations as a non-governmental association (NGO).

Membership of ICA includes a subscription to the Annals of the International Communication Association. For more information, and to join, visit https://www.icahdq.org/.

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