About this journal

Aims and scope

The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is a fully peer reviewed journal published six times a year (February, April, June, August, October and December) since its merger with The International Review of Psycho-Analysis in 1994. It publishes extensive contributions by authors throughout the world - facilitated by a system of international editorial boards and the policy of allowing submission and review in six languages, followed by translation of accepted papers at the Journal's expense.

Originally founded by Ernest Jones in collaboration with Sigmund Freud in 1920, the Journal publishes contributions on Psychoanalytic Theory & Technique, The History of Psychoanalysis, Clinical Contributions, Education & Professional Issues, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Film Essays. The Journal also publishes the main papers and panel reports from the International Psychoanalytical Association's Congresses, book reviews, obituaries, and correspondence.

The Journal also publishes selected papers in the IJP Annuals currently offered in eight different languages.

PEP- Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing

All individual subscriptions and society member online subscriptions are now fulfilled via PEP. More details are available on the PEP-Web website.

Journal metrics


  • 141K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.2 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q1 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 1.1 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 1.3 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • 1.351 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.709 (2023) SJR


  • 68 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 103 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 91 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 49% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Editor in Chief:
Francis Grier(London, UK)

Associate Editors and Executive Editor:

Lesley Steyn(Regional Editor for UK)
Bruce Reis (Regional Editor for North America)
Beatriz de León (Regional Editor for Latin America)
Georg Bruns (Associate Editor)
Catherine Humble (Executive Editor)
Bernard Reith (Regional Editor for Europe)
Sara Boffito (Associate Editor)

Editorial Board members:
Adela Abella (Geneva, Switzerland)
Jan Abram (London, UK)
Jorge Ahumada (Buenos Aires, Brazil)
Marina Altmann (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Liz Allison (London, UK)
Giovanna Ambrosio (Rome, Italy)
Pina Antinucci (London, UK)
Lionel Bailly (Essex, UK)
Geoffrey Baruch (London, UK)
Ricardo Bernardi (Montevideo, Uruguay)
David Black (London, UK)
Rachel Blass (London, UK)
Anette Blaya Luz (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Guillermo Bodner (Barcelona, Spain)
Vincenzo Bonaminio (Rome, Italy)
Franco Borgogno (Torino, Italy)
Abbot Bronstein (San Francisco, USA)
Catalina Bronstein (London, UK)
José Carlos Calich (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Rachel Chaplin (London, UK)
Joshua Cohen (London, UK)
Pablo Cuevas (Mexico City, Mexico)
Fakhry Davids (London, UK)
Joshua Durban (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
Angelika Ebrecht-Laermann (Berlin, Germany)
Paula Ellman (Maryland, USA)
Maria Inês Neuenschwander Escosteguy Carneiro (Brazil)
Anna Ferruta (Milan, Italy)
Charles Fisher (California, USA)
Sara Flanders (London, UK)
Silvia Flechner (Montevideo, Brazil)
Vera Regina Fonseca (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch (Vienna, Austria)
Gregory Graham (Houston, USA)
Steven Groarke (London, UK)
Benedetta Guerrini Degl’Innocenti (Firenze, Italy)
Tilmann Habermas (Berlin, Germany)
Margaret Ann Fitzpatrick Hanly (Toronto, Canada)
Eike Hinze (Berlin, Germany)
Nasir Ilahi (New York, USA)
Lawrence Josephs (New York, USA)
Igor Kadyrov (Moscow, Russia)
Gurmeet Kanwal (New York, USA)

Uta Karacaoglan (Cologne, Germany)
Lewis A. Kirshner (Boston, MA, USA)
Nancy Kulish (Birmingham, MI, USA)
Jonathan Lear (Chicago, USA)
Sebastian Leikert (Saarbruken, Germany)
Marie Lenormand (Marseille/Paris, France)
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber (Frankfurt, Germany)
Howard Levine (Brookline, MA, USA)
Sergio Lewkowicz (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Vittorio Lingiardi (Sapienza, University of Rome)
Alfred Margulies (Cambridge, MA, USA)
Paola Mariotti (London, UK)
Luis Martín-Cabré (Madrid, Spain)
Angela Mauss-Hanke (Wolfratshausen, Germany)
David Meghnagi (Rome, Italy)Yazmin Mendoza (Mexico)
Carmen Mion (São Paulo, Brazil)
Mary Morgan (London, UK)
Nahaleh Moshtagh (Toronto, Canada)
Donald Moss (New York, USA)
Clara Nemas (Buenos Aires, Brazil)
Brian O’Neill (Edinburgh, UK)
Robert Paul (Atlanta, USA)
Alfonso Pola (Santiago, Chile)
José Renato Avzaradel (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Maria Rhode (London, UK)
Hemma Roessler-Schuelein (Vienna, Austria)
Marie Rudden (Lennox, MA, USA)
Stanley Ruszczynski (London, UK)
Bruno Salesio da Silva (Pelotas, Brazil)
Stefanie Sedlacek (Berlin, Germany)
Valeria Silva Clark Nunes (Rio de Janerio, Brazil)
Geraldine Shipton (Sheffield, UK)
Rogelio Sosnik (New York, USA)
Lesley Steyn (London, UK)
Frances Thomson Salo (Melbourne, Australia)
Adele Tutter (New York, USA)
Virginia Ungar (Buenos Aires, Brazil)
Rudi Vermote (Kortenberg, Belgium)
Luis Villalba (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Jason Wheeler Vega (New York, USA)
Nancy Winters (Portland, USA)
Adriana Yankelevich (Buenos Aires, Brazil)
Richard Zimmer (New York, USA)
Sylvia Zwettler-Otte (Vienna, Austria)

Associate Board members:
Rodrigo Barahona (Boston, USA)
Emad Bishara (Geneva, Switzerland)
Stephen Blumenthal (London, UK)
Sophie Boswell (London, UK)
Anna Christopoulos (Greece)
Maria Cristina Garcia Vasconcellos (Brazil)
Jonathan Eger (New York, USA)
Cynthia Ellis Gray (Oregon, USA)
Susan Finkelstein (New York, USA)
Shirley Hiscock (London, UK)
Gillian Ingall (London, UK)
Gustavo Jarast (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Piotr Krzakowski (Paris, France)
Kay Long (New Haven, USA)
Alistair McKnight (Cambridge, USA)
Kyra Minninger (San Francisco, USA)
Anne Patterson (London, UK)
Giuseppe Riefolo (Rome, Italy)
Gretchen Schmutz (Chicago, USA)
Kristin White (Berlin, Germany)
Heather Wood (London, UK)

Section Editors:

Analyst at Work Board Members:
Adriana Yankelevich, Bernard Reith, Mirta Oelsner

Education Section Board Members:
Catalina Bronstein, Howard Levine, Elizabeth Lima Da Rocha Barros, Ellen Sparer

Film Section Editor:
Bruce Eadie

Book Review Editors:
Sarah Collins
Gretchen Schmutz (North America)

Associate Book Review Editors:

Soh Agatsuma (Japan)
Thais Blucher (Latin America)
Roger Borath (Germany)
Patricia Grieve (Spain)
Anna Lilja (Finland)
Paola Marion (Italy)
Maria Noel Brena Serta (Latin America)
Marika Pollet-Bourdaloue (France)
Mercedes Puchol (Spain)
Susana Vinocur Fischbein (Latin America)

IJP Annuals:
Editor of Annuals: Melis Tanik Sivri
Latin American Annual in Portuguese: Celso Vieira de Camargo
Latin American Annual in Spanish: Gustavo Jarast
French: Céline Gür Gressot
German: Isolde Böhme and Richard Rink
Turkish: Seyda Postaci
Italian: Diana Norsa and Giovanni Foresti
Russian: Igor Kadyrov
Greek:Kostas Zervos
Romanian: Gianina Micu

IJP College

The College of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis was established in 2011 by the Board of the British Psychoanalytic Society and the Institute of Psychoanalysis. It comprises of approximately 100 Fellows from all over the world who are appointed for three year renewable terms. Fellows invited to serve are selected from those who have done the most work for the Journal in the preceding three years as reviewers and authors. The Fellows elect the College Executive. The purpose of the College is to provide ideas and support to the Editors and Journal from the international community, and to play a major role in appointing Editors. Fellows appointed for the 2020-2023 term are as follows:

Abbot Bronstein (US), Adele Tutter (US), Adriana Yankelevich (Argentina), Alberto Stefana (Italy) , Alessandra Lemma (UK), Alfonso Pola (Chile), Alfred Margulies (US), Angelica Ebrecht-Laermann (Germany) , Anne Patterson (UK), Augusto Escribens (Peru), Barnaby Barratt (US), Bernard Reith (Switzerland) , Bernd Nissen (Germany), Brian O'Neill (UK), Bruce Reis (US), Catalina Bronstein (UK), Charles Fisher (US), Claudia Frank (Germany), Cynthia Gray (US), David Black (UK), David Taylor (UK), Dominic Scarfone (Canada), Donald Moss (US), Eike Hinze (Germany), Ellen Corin (US), Ellen Sparer (France), Frances Thomson-Salo (Australia), Franco Borgogno (Italy), Franco De Masi (Italy), Fred Busch (US), Gabriel Sapisochin (Spain), Geoffrey Baruch (UK), Giovanna Rita Di Ceglie (UK), Giuseppe Civitarese (Italy), Giuseppina Antinucci (UK), Gregory Graham (US), Guillermo Bodner (Spain), Gurmeet Kanwal (US), Gustavo Jarast (Argentina), Heather Wood (UK), Heinz Weiss (Germany), Ingrid Geerken (US), Jack Foehl (US), Jan Abram (UK), Jean Arundale (UK), Jef Dehing (US), Jessica Benjamin (US), Jorge Ahumada (Argentina), Julia Borossa (UK), Lawrence Josephs (US), Leopoldo Bleger (France), Lesley Steyn(UK), Lewis Kirshner (US), Liz Allison (UK), Luciane Falcao (Brazil), Marco Conci (Italy), Maria Rhode (UK), Maria Ines Carneiro (Brazil), Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber (Germany), Marie Rudden (US), Marie Lenormand (France), Mark Solms (South Africa), Michael Buchholz (Germany) , Michael Diercks (Germany), Michael Steinbrecher (Germany), Michael Michael (South Korea), Nancy Winters (US), Nicolas Evzonas (France), Paola Mariotti (UK), Patrick Miller (France), Paul Schimmel (US), Paula Ellman (US), Paulo Sandler (Brazil), Peter Fonagy (UK), Philippe Van Haute (Netherlands), Rachel Blass (Israel/UK), Ricardo Bernardi (Uruguay), Richard Zimmer (US), Robert Galatzer-Levy (US), Robert Paul (US), Rogério Coelho De Souza (Brazil), Rodrigo Barahona (US), Roosevelt Cassorla (Brazil), Rudi Vermote (Belgium), Sara Flanders (UK), Sara Tucker (US), Sarah Ackerman (US), Stephen Blumenthal (UK), Stephen Frosh (UK), Stephen Sonnenberg (US), Steven Groarke (UK), Steven Cooper (US), Susan Scheftel (US), Susan Finkelstein (US), Susana Vinocur Fischbein (Argentina), Sydney Anderson (US), Thais Blucher (Brazil), Thomas Hartung (Germany), Tilmann Habermas (Germany), Timo Storck (Germany), Ulrike May (Germany), Vera Regina Fonseca (Brazil), Wendy Katz (US), Werner Bohleber (Germany), Wilhelm Skogstad (UK), Yasmin Mendoza Espinosa (Mexico).

The College Executive, elected by the Fellows for the same period comprises: Jorge Ahumda (Argentina), Cathy Bronstein (UK), Maria Ines Carneiro (Brazil), Sara Flanders (UK), Peter Fonagy (UK), Donald Moss (US), Robert Paul (US), Dominic Scarfone (Canada) (Chair), Ellen Sparer (France), Rudi Vermote (Belgium) and Alfonso Pola (Chile).

Abstracting and indexing

The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is covered by the following abstracting and indexing services:

  • ProQuest
Periodicals Archive Online
Periodical Index Online
  • PsycINFO
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)

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PEP- Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing

Online subscriptions are now fulfilled via PEP. More details are available on the PEP-Web website.

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