About this journal

Aims and scope

International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IRSEP) is the first scholarly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes critical reviews of research literature in sport and exercise psychology. Typically, these reviews evaluate relevant conceptual and methodological issues in the field and provide a critique of the strengths and weaknesses of empirical studies that address common themes or hypotheses. The reviews present summaries of, and conclusions about, the current state of knowledge concerning topics of interest, as well as assessments of relevant unresolved issues and future trends. Reviews of research literature on theories, topics and issues that are at the interface with mainstream psychology are especially welcome.


Although research on sport and exercise psychology is expanding rapidly, it is difficult to locate comprehensive, authoritative and up-to-date literature reviews in this field. In an attempt to fill this major gap, IRSEP welcomes submissions containing substantial (up to 8,000 words in length) critical and integrative reviews of the research literature in sport and exercise psychology. Ideally, such scholarly papers should summarise the current state of knowledge about a given research topic or question, provide critical assessments of the strengths and weaknesses of previous studies in the field, evaluate relevant conceptual and methodological issues, identify emerging trends in the literature, and outline potentially fruitful avenues for further research. Submissions presenting new theoretical frameworks are also welcome with the proviso that they are also a critical review of research literature.

Some feedback from those in the field:

"As a mature discipline, sport and exercise psychology must critically review its output, not only to assess what has passed, but also to point to what is to come. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology is a welcome addition to the scholarly journals in our field for vigorously taking up this challenge."
Professor Tony Morris
Victoria University, Australia

"For some time our field has been sufficiently advanced that there is a need for such a review journal – one that provides concise, timely summaries of current knowledge on critical topics, reviews key methodological and conceptual issues, and supports substantive-methodological synergies. IRSEP articles should be of broad interest to students and practitioners. However, in an age of specialization, they should also appeal to leading researchers wanting to stay abreast of the latest and best research outside -- but related to -- their specific areas of interest. Inevitably, IRSEP should become one of the most widely read and cited journals in our field."
Professor Herb Marsh
Oxford University, UK

"IRSEP gives an overview of the research in sport and exercise psychology. It examines issues critical to the various topics of this growing field of research, by offering many stimulating ideas and additional knowledge. Its features are designed to address different theoretical contributions, as well as various approaches and concepts dealing with the interaction between psychology and sport performance. IRSEP will be very useful for the experts in the general field of sport psychology, such as scholars and students, as well as qualified teachers and practitioners."
Dr. Aymeric Guillot
University Claude Bernard, Lyon

"With the information explosion occurring today, more than ever before a need exists for knowledge integration, where experts summarize and critically critique existing sport and exercise psychology literature identifying key findings and gaps in the knowledge base. Such reviews will help spur future research, advance conceptualization on key topics and help identify implications for guiding practice. IRSEP advances sport and exercise psychology by providing a central location for critical reviews in the field."
Professor Daniel Gould
Michigan State University, USA

"Sport and exercise psychology is in need of quality review articles to help summarize our knowledge and spur new research. IRSEP fills this important void in our field."
Professor Robert Weinberg
Miami University, USA

"IRSEP provides critical reviews that can be hugely valuable to students, practitioners and established scholars."
Professor Stuart Biddle
University of Southern Queensland, Australia

"IRSEP allows the literature base for the field of sport and exercise psychology to grow dramatically. Reviews allow scholars to quickly understand the current issues within any one topic; students, teachers and researchers will find the articles in this journal extremely helpful in their work."
Professor Nanette Mutrie
University of Edinburgh, UK

"The study of the psychology of movement will be enriched by the availability of a journal dedicated to empirical reviews and interpretations of the rapidly-growing and widely-published empirical literature in sport and exercise psychology."
Professor David E. Conroy
The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Peer Review Integrity

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, are sent for peer review by independent expert referees.

All peer review is double anonymized and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.


Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in our publications. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis.

Journal metrics


  • 329K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 6.4 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q1 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 9.2 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 17.3 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 2.519 (2023) SNIP
  • 2.066 (2023) SJR


  • 8 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 84 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 33% acceptance rate

Editorial board


Greg Wood Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Former Editors-in-Chief:

Pete Coffee   Heriot-Watt University, UK (2015-2022)
David Tod   Liverpool John Moores University, UK (2022-2023)

Please direct all correspondence to the Editorial Assistant, Kelli Cochran-Sharp: [email protected]

Associate Editors:

Joe Causer Liverpool John Moores, UK
Philip Furley German Sport University Cologne, Germany  
Trish Gorely  University of the Highlands and Islands, UK 
Daniel F Gucciardi  Curtin University, Australia
Katie Gunnell  Carleton University, Canada
Diane E. Mack  Brock University, Canada
Amber Mosewich  University of Alberta, Canada
Ian Taylor  Loughborough University, UK
Stewart Vella  University of Wollongong, Australia
John Wang Chee Keng Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Editorial Board:

Jamie Barker- Loughborough University, UK
Gavin Breslin- Ulster University, UK
Adam Bruton- Brunel University London, UK
David E. Conroy- Northwestern University, USA
Jean Côté- Queen’s University, Canada
James Dimmock- University of Western Australia, Australia
Paul Freeman- University of Essex, UK
Iain Greenlees- University of Chichester, UK
Aymeric Guillot - Université Claude Bernard, France
Martin S. Hagger- University of California, Merced, USA and University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Nicola Hodges- University of British Columbia, Canada
Paul Holmes- Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Joanne Hudson- Swansea University, UK
Robin Jackson- Loughborough University, UK
Christopher M. Janelle- University of Florida, USA
Marc Jones- Staffordshire University, UK
Camilla Knight- Swansea University, UK
Maria Kavussanu- University of Birmingham, UK
Diane E. Mack- Brock University, Canada
Meghan McDonough- University of Calgary, Canada
Tony Morris- Victoria University, Australia
Amber Mosewich- University of Alberta, Canada
Emma Mosley- Solent University, UK
Shane Murphy- Western Connecticut State University, USA
Emily Oliver- Durham University, UK
Anthony Papathomas- Loughborough University, UK
Tatiana V. Ryba- University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Hugh Richards- University of Edinburgh, UK
Catherine M. Sabiston - University of Toronto, Canada
Annalisa Setti - University College Cork, Republic of Ireland
Mustafa Sarkar - Nottingham Trent University, UK
Matthew Slater- Staffordshire University, UK
Chris Spray- Loughborough University, UK
Benjamin Sylvester - Government of Canada, Canada
Richard Thelwell- University of Portsmouth, UK
Robert J. Vallerand- University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
Robert Weinberg- Miami University, USA
A. Mark Williams- University of Utah, USA

Founding Editor-in-Chief:

Aidan Moran- University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland

Tribute to Professor Aidan Moran

Aidan's research, writings and books are hugely influential and he was a tremendous influence in bringing modern cognitive psychology concepts to sport psychology models and theories, especially in the areas of imagery and attention. The conceptual contribution of his work, his insistence on critical consideration of all theoretical perspectives, his methodological rigour, and the clarity of his writing will ensure that his work remains relevant for many years to come. It is no coincidence that these scientific principles are evident in the Aims and Scope of the journal he founded in 2006, International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IRSEP). The consistent success of IRSEP is a testament to Aidan’s outstanding scholarship and leadership. He will be greatly missed but he will be continually remembered; he leaves an enduring legacy in our scientific field. Pete Coffee, Editor-in-Chief of IRSEP, on behalf of all the IRSEP editorial team and Taylor & Francis.

Abstracting and indexing

The International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology is currently abstracted and indexed in Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Psychology and Psychiatry (3rd Edition), PsycINFO, Scopus, SSCI and Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC).

Open access

International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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