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Journal overview

The International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics has three inter-related aims:

  • to stimulate scholarly debate about the role, significance and impact of public policy and contemporary politics on sport
  • to encourage critical analysis of sport policy, the sport policy process and sport politics
  • to publish articles that are theoretically rigorous and of interest to both scholars and practitioners

Editorial Statement

The International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics publishes articles that address all aspects of sport policy and politics irrespective of academic discipline. The Editorial Board is especially keen to encourage the submission of articles that relate to one or more of the following seven broad themes:

  • theoretical contributions to analyses of the policy process for sport
  • the development of robust, evidence-based empirical research on the impact of sport policy
  • analyses of the political significance of sport and the significance of sport as a political resource
  • the role and influence of national and sub-national government in relation to sport policy
  • the significance of government, for example as regulator, resource provider and competitor, for the operation of the commercial, semi-commercial and not-for-profit sectors
  • the role and significance of transnational government organisations and NGOs as political and policy actors and their impact on the international and domestic policy process for sport

In addition to Research articles the journal also publishes a series of Country Profiles intended to increase awareness of the global diversity of sport policy and politics. Most profiles are commissioned by the editorial team. However, if you would be interested in preparing a country profile please contact the Editor in Chief. Furthermore, the journal publishes both Literature Reviews and the shorter Critical Commentary (please see the 'Instructions for Authors' for more information on the type of articles we accept). While the Literature Reviews provide an opportunity for scholars to review existing bodies of work and suggest future avenues of research, a Critical Commetnary submisison tends to offer a critical perspective in relation to a kew issue in sport policy and politics research. Such pieces generally offer fresh perspectives - rather than new, empirical research - and are of a more polemical nature designed to stimulate debate.

Peer Review Policy

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double anonymized and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. Click here to be taken to the submission website.

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