About this journal

Aims and scope

The Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research (JILAR) is an international journal dedicated to publishing original research on the histories, political economies, sociologies, literatures, and cultures of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. JILAR has a particular commitment to publishing interdisciplinary research and encourages and makes room for debates on current research concerns. The journal welcomes individual or multiple-authored articles in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. It publishes review essays, book and film reviews, and also invites proposals from prospective editors for special thematic issues. 

Peer Review Policy

All research, review and commentary articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial editor screening and detailed review by at least two anonymous referees. 


Journal metrics


  • 18K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 0.4 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 0.3 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 0.6 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 0.000 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.127 (2023) SJR


  • 44% acceptance rate

Editorial board

JILAR Editorial Committee

Vek Lewis – University of Sydney (Managing Editor)
Estela Valverde – University of Sydney (Academic Editor)
Christian Tym – University of Sydney (Review Editor)
Jane Hanley – Macquarie University (Tracking Editor)
Antonio Castillo – University of Sydney
Nicola Gilmour – Victoria University of Wellington
Stephen Gregory – University of New South Wales
Fernanda Peñaloza – University of Sydney

Editorial Advisory Board

Robert Archer – King’s College, London
Christine Arkinstall – University of Auckland
William Beezley – University of Arizona
Jeff Browitt – University of Technology, Sydney
David Cahill – University of New South Wales
Ángel Calderón – RMIT University
Barry Carr – La Trobe University
Debra Castillo – Cornell University
Kathryn Crameri – University of Glasgow
John Fisher – University of Liverpool
Stewart King – Monash University
Alan Knight – Oxford University
Kathryn Lehman – University of Auckland
Vania Markarian – Universidad de la República
Emma Martinell Gifre – Universitat de Barcelona
Alfredo Martínez Exposito – University of Melbourne
Kenneth Mills – University of Toronto
Antonio Monegal – Universitat Popeu Fabra
Ralph Newmark – La Trobe University
†Steve Niblo (1941–2008) – La Trobe University
Diana Palaversich – University of New South Wales
Teresa Porzecanski – Universidad de la República, Montevideo
Nicholas Robins – North Carolina State University
Paul Julian Smith – Cambridge University
Gregory Teal – University of Western Sydney
Lilit Thwaites – La Trobe University
Jonathan Tittler – Rutgers University
Blanca Tovías – University of Sydney
Anne L. Walsh – University of Sydney
Eric Van Young – University of California, San Diego

Abstracting and indexing

Journal of Iberian & Latin American Research is abstracted in:

Open access

Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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