About this journal

Aims and scope

This title has ceased (2017)

International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning (IJPL) is an international, scholarly, independently and anonymously peer-reviewed journal that focuses on issues and trends in pedagogies and learning in local and global contexts.

The aim of the journal is to publish high quality research that focuses on the essence of pedagogy and learning and related issues and trends. While stimulating discussion of authoritative and emerging pedagogies and forms of learning, it will encourage the sharing of ideas that contribute to the transformation of contemporary conceptions of pedagogy and learning in order to reshape and revitalise educational provision from the perspectives of educators and learners alike. These ideas are intended to be simultaneously anchored in local, regional and national contexts and to be international and transnational in intent and impact.

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Abstracting and indexing

International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning is currently noted in: Scopus, Australian Education Index (Online), EdResearch Online, Education Research Complete, Education Source, Emerging Sources Citations Index (ESCI), TOC Premier, Academic OneFile, Book Review Index, Educator's Reference Complete, ABI/INFORM Global (American Business Information), ProQuest Education Journals

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