About this journal

Aims and scope

Published by Palgrave-Macmillan (Springer) from 2018.

The Journal of Transatlantic Studies is the main platform for studies of the transatlantic region. It began publication in 2003 in close cooperation with the Transatlantic Studies Association.

The focus is on the transatlantic region broadly defined to include the Americas and the Caribbean in the west and Europe extending to Russia the Middle East and Africa in the east.

The JTS is multi and inter-disciplinary, embracing: IR and Politics; History; Security Studies – especially relating to NATO; Economics; Planning; Literature; Film; Culture, and Race, Slavery and Migration.

Published quarterly, the journal accepts individual articles of between 5-12,000 words in length and includes a short book review section. The Editors encourage submission of proposals for themed issues.

Two peer reviewers evaluate all submissions and any manuscript that divides opinion is then submitted to a third peer reviewer for a final decision.

The JTS aims to provide decisions on submissions within 10 weeks.

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