About this journal

Aims and scope

The Journal of Private International Law ( J. Priv. Int. L.) was launched in spring 2005. We invite papers for this scholarly, peer-reviewed publication of original articles and analysis of current developments in the field. The journal covers all aspects of private international law, reflecting the role of the European Union and the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the making of private international law, in addition to the traditional role of domestic legal orders.

We welcome articles from scholars anywhere in the world writing in English about developments in any jurisdiction on any aspect of private international law. We also welcome shorter articles or analysis from anywhere in the world, including analysis of new treaties and conventions, and lengthy review articles dealing with significant new publications.

"The Journal of Private International Law should be compulsory reading for the growing number of lawyers involved in cross-border transactions or litigation. The complexity of the issues thrown up in cross-border cases will only increase, and the Journal will likewise assume a corresponding and increasing importance to practitioners who have to grapple with problems of this kind." Charles Proctor, Bird and Bird

"Offers a practitioner just the right balance of case analysis and theory to improve my role in advising clients, assessing potential litigation and drafting agreements. In addition, its coverage of legal developments outside the United States provides valuable insight for anticipating the challenges our multinational clients face in a globalized economy."
Peter D. Trooboff, Covington & Burling LLP

"The Journal is now the essential English language periodical for practitioners, academics and others working in the field of private international law. Provides topical coverage of a broad range of issues of current importance from a global perspective."
David Stewart, Georgetown University

"When the Journal was established five years ago, one of the objectives of the Editors was that the Journal should examine private international law topics in more than one legal system. That objective has been met with conspicuous success as can be seen from the range of articles addressing common problems with perspectives drawn from across Europe, North America, South Africa and the Pacific region. Equally the editors' prediction that we live in interesting times in the private international law field is fully borne out by the scope of the examination in the Journal of challenging issues arising across the world, not least in terms of proposals emerging from Brussels and The Hague. The Journal has established itself as a major source of information and analysis in this challenging and increasingly important field of legal study and practice."
Sir Peter North, Jesus College, University of Oxford

"The Journal simply is the leading English-language law review for private international law, worldwide."
Professor. Dr. Peter Mankowski

"A valuable source of both information and ideas for practitioners and academics interested in this very dynamic field of law."
Michael Bogdan, Lund University

"The Journal of Private International Law is the leading magazine worldwide dealing with the conflict of laws. This esteemed publication provides an invaluable forum for the exchange of information and novel ideas in the field on a truly global scale."
Jan Neels, University of Johannesburg

"I consider the Journal of Private International Law to be immensely valuable both to my academic research and practice in the field of private international law in Australia. Its virtue is that it contains highly topical material and also displays a high quality of scholarship. There is no equivalent journal in the world."
Richard Garnett, University of Melbourne

Journal metrics


  • 54K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 0.3 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 0.4 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 0.6 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • 0.000 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.123 (2023) SJR


  • 60 days avg. from acceptance to online publication

Editorial board

General Editors
Paul Beaumont FRSE
Professor of Private International Law
University of Stirling
Pathfoot Building
Scotland, UK
Email: [email protected]

Jonathan Harris QC (Hon.)
Professor of International Commercial Law
The Dickson Poon School of Law
King's College London
Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, UK
Email: [email protected]

Review Articles Editor
Mary Keyes - Griffith University, Australia

Editorial Advisory Board
Stefania Bariatti (Italy)
Ronald A Brand (USA)
Gilles Cuniberti (Luxembourg)
Nadia de Araujo (Brazil)
Andrew Dickinson (UK, Australia)
Richard Fentiman (UK)
Christopher Forsyth (UK)
Francisco Garcimartín Alférez (Spain)
Justice David Goddard (New Zealand)
Peter Gottwald (Germany)
Trevor Hartley (UK)
Michael Hellner (Sweden)
Alexander Layton QC (UK)
David McClean (UK)
Lord Mance (UK)
Reid Mortensen (Australia)
Horatia Muir Watt (France)
Richard Oppong (USA)
George Panagopoulos (Greece)
Stephen Pitel (Canada)
Fausto Pocar (Italy)
Andrea Schulz (Germany)
Linda Silberman (USA)
Koji Takahashi (Japan)
Sophia Tang (UK)
Yongping Xiao (China)

Updated 31-03-2023

Abstracting and indexing

Journal of Private International Law is currently abstracted/indexed in: J-Gate, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Hein On-Line, Informit - The Source for Online Australasian Information.

Open access

Journal of Private International Law is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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  1. Increase the discoverability and readership of your article
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  3. Freely share your work with anyone, anywhere
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  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

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