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Journal overview

The aim of Rethinking Marxism is to stimulate interest in and debate over the explanatory power and social consequences of Marxian economic, cultural, and social analysis. To that end, we publish studies that seek to discuss, elaborate, and/or extend Marxian theory. Our concerns include theoretical and philosophical (methodological and epistemological) matters as well as more concrete empirical analyses - all work that leads to the further development of distinctively Marxian discourses. We encourage contributions from people in many disciplines and from a wide range of perspectives. We are also interested in expanding the diversity of styles for producing and presenting Marxian discourses.

One distinguishing aim of this journal is to ensure that class is an important part, but not the exclusive focus, of Marxism. We are therefore interested in the complex intersection of class with economic, political, psychological, and all other social processes. Equally important is the task of exploring the philosophical positions that shape Marxian analyses.

We are interested in promoting Marxian approaches to social theory because we believe that they can and should play an important role in developing strategies for radical social change-in particular, for an end to class exploitation and the various forms of political, cultural, and psychological oppression (including oppression on the basis of race, gender, and sexual orientation). We especially welcome research that explores these and related issues from Marxian perspectives.

Peer Review Policy:
All material published in this journal has undergone peer review.

RETHINKING MARXISM sustains a much needed tradition of serious left inquiry across the entire span of important historical questions when a far-right consensus has nearly destroyed intellectual rigor and independent thinking. Its place in our lives cannot be overvalued."
Paul A. Bové
Editor, boundary 2 "Through its openness to intelligent critiques of Marxism, its enthusiasm for useful supplements, its refusal to adhere to any one school of thought, and its wide reach across the disciplines, RETHINKING MARXISM sustains and enriches the intellectual tradition it honors. In keeping Marxism away from orthodoxy, it keeps it alive."
Wendy Brown
Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley RETHINKING MARXISM has established itself as one of the major Marxist journals in the English-speaking world. The scope of its topics, the depth of analysis, and the plurality of perspectives make of this journal a powerful instrument for the radical transformation of the capitalist world."
Gugliemo Carchedi,
Class Analysis and Social Research RETHINKING MARXISM remains a foremost site for debating intellectual and political issues of the day from a variety of radical perspectives. Committed to plurality and dissent, it represents the Left at its non-dogmatic best."
Dipesh Chakrabarty
Lawrence A. Kimpton Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago RETHINKING MARXISM is a crucial cool happening journal and process without which economics would lapse into even more solipsistic autism."
Nancy Folbre
The Ultimate Field Guide to the US Economy "Since the fall of the Berlin wall and Soviet Communism, leftist intellectuals have grappled with the political and theoretical challenges presented by a New World Order. RETHINKING MARXISM represents the only publication where critical contemporary issues are analyzed and debated in a critical framework that remains firmly rooted in the Marxian tradition. RM’s lively unorthodox and provocative features, and its interdisciplinary range, provide a remarkable overview of the best contemporary left and Marxist scholarshuip being produced today."
Manning Marable
Director, Center for Contemporary Black History, Columbia University "In a time when the only alternative seems to be homeland garrisons, cynical reason, and interminable shopping malls, RETHINKING MARXISM arms the spirit with critical energy neeeded to imagine revolutionary possibilities. We need to rethink Marxism as an alternative, a weapon against imperial terrorism, a discourse of hope and liberation."
E. San Juan, Jr.
Director, Philippines Cultural Studies Center "Rethinking Marx’s prodigious historical futurology is the most pressing global task today. And RETHINKING MARXISM has been doing it for fifteen years. My work and teaching are enhanced by it. I have tried to remain involved with the activities of this radical collective in order to keep a certain area of my intellectual concerns alive."
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities, Columbia University
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