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Journal overview

Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship is included in the following ranking indexes:


The Chartered ABS Academic Journal Guide (Chartered Association of Business Schools, UK)

FNEGE (Foundation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises, France)

VHB-JOURQUAL 3 (Verband der Hochschullehrer fur Betriebswirtschaft, Germany)

ABDC Master Journal List (Australian Business Deans Council, Australia)

Excellence in Research for Australia (Australia Research Council, Australia)

Asian Science Citation Index 


Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship is a double-blind reviewed and scholarly Journal dedicated to publishing in English and French original and outstanding studies that improve knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship and small business management and, eventually, shape these fields of research.

Studies published might be theoretical pieces, qualitative and quantitative empirical work, and/or case studies. Given that the objective of the Journal is to push the boundaries of current entrepreneurial and small business management thoughts, case studies to be published in JSBE must have a theoretical perspective. The onus of proving the theoretical contribution of the case lies on the author who, to this end, can introduce the case with a short text of 250-500 words. The theoretical contribution can be related to the fact that the case challenges the existing theory or highlights it better. Consequently, cases and teaching notes that are written just for a didactic purpose as an illustration of a theory in classroom will not fit to being published in the JSBE .


Studies published in the JSBE can be from and based on Canada or other countries of the world. They can cover topics related to matters such as:

A. Start-up and resource gathering for an SME

  • Starting, buying and selling an SME

  • Financing, funding, banking, venture capital, audit and accounting in SMEs

  • Entrepreneur characteristics, leadership and work-life balance

  • Identification of business opportunities, business incubators and mentorship

  • Support services to entrepreneurship and SMEs

B. Functional management and growth of an SME

  • Sales and marketing in SMEs

  • Human resource management in SMEs

  • Operation management in SMEs

  • Innovation, knowledge management, learning and fast growth in SMEs

  • New technologies, Internet, and communication in SMEs

  • Regulation and taxes for SMEs

  • Growth of SMEs

C. Strategic management and change in an SME

  • Strategic Management in SMEs

  • International entrepreneurship and SME internationalization

  • Networks, alliances and relationships with government and large enterprises

  • Managing change in an uncertain and changing environment

  • Factors of success and failure in SME and entrepreneurial firms

D. New trends in entrepreneurship and SME management

  • Social entrepreneurship

  • Gender and female entrepreneurship

  • Indigenous entrepreneurship

  • Ethnic/diaspora/immigrant entrepreneurship

  • Youth and student entrepreneurship

  • Entrepreneurship in emerging/transition markets

  • Franchises, sport, health, consulting and other emerging types of SMEs

  • Corporate entrepreneurship

E. Special topics in entrepreneurship and SME management

  • Family-based business

  • Social responsibility, environmental protection, governance, and ethics in SMEs

  • SMEs and regional, urban, rural, and national development

  • Entrepreneurship education

  • Epistemology, general theory development, and methods of research in entrepreneurship and SMEs

  • Entrepreneurship and sustainable development

Peer Review Statement

Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes high quality, original research. All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via Editorial Manager.

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