Journal overview

The Scottish Geographical Journal is the learned publication of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and is a continuation of the Scottish Geographical Magazine, first published in 1885. The journal was relaunched in its present format in 1999, its primary aim being to publish high-quality work on diverse geographical themes. The journal is international in outlook, but its Scottish origin and base continues to be extremely important. Indeed, the Editors seek contributions on, of or about Scotland, where Scotland – as a whole or in its particular regions, landscapes and locales – is the focus of inquiry. We also seek contributions from Scotland, meaning interventions from academic geographers (and others) based in Scotland but maybe working on places elsewhere. Overall we retain a sense of these contributions being gathered in Scotland or, more accurately, in the pages of our distinctive journal edited out of Scotland.

The journal aims to be unusual in the flexibility of possible publishing formats that it will allow, particularly in allowing contributions that are both longer and shorter than what is normal for academic journals. For instance, as well as standard academic papers (c.6,000-8,000 words), the Editorial Team is prepared to consider – and to work with authors in the production of – ‘Position papers’ (1,000-2,000 words), ‘ExPosition papers’ (up to 20,000 words) and contributions from geographers outwith higher education, teachers, policy-makers, practitioners, artists, activists and more. We also encourage contributions to our twin Scottish Landscape Examples and Scottish Locales Examples series, details of which can be found in our first Editorial.

Read the first Editorial from the new Editorial Team based at the University of Glasgow (Martin Hurst, Emma Laurie, Chris Philo, Rhian Thomas), for free: ‘In the critical department’: refreshing the Scottish Geographical Journal

Peer Review Statement

All submitted manuscripts, including those which form part of special issue sets, are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to double anonymized peer review by at least two independent, anonymous expert referees. Submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

For a fuller statement about the principles of ethics of peer review to which the Editorial Team of the SGJ subscribes, see our first Editorial: ‘In the critical department’: refreshing the Scottish Geographical Journal

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

Read full aims and scope

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