About this journal

Aims and scope

The Southern Communication Journal (SCJ) is the nationally and internationally read scholarly publication of the Southern States Communication Association (SSCA). The Southern Communication Journal publishes original scholarship that makes significant contributions to understanding the processes and consequences of human communication. The journal is not limited with regard to topic, methodological approach, or theoretical perspective, although authors must establish the significance of the research, soundness of methodological choices, and appropriateness of theoretical perspectives. We seek to publish articles and book reviews that will be of interest to scholars, researchers, and practitioners of communication.

As a journal that seeks to address the breadth of communication, SCJ is particularly interested in manuscripts that move beyond addressing only WEIRD samples and topics (people and topics drawn only from Western/white, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic societies) in the study of human communication. All authors, regardless of topic, approach, or perspective, are encouraged to recognize the situatedness of their authorship and scholarship and to account for how this situatedness enables and limits their work.

SSCA has long welcomed scholars and students from all fields of communication, and Southern Communication Journal reflects that, incorporating articles through its 83-year run from a mix of scholarly avenues advancing both communication theories and practical applications in tandem. For more information on SSCA and SCJ, please visit http://ssca.net/.

Individuals who have Regular or Exchange member subscriptions to the journals of the Eastern Communication Association, Central States Communication Association, Western States Communication Association, and the Southern States Communication Association may register for online access to the access to the journals here.

Peer Review Policy:

SCJ employs a process of anonymized review, although the editor reserves the right to return without benefit of review manuscripts that are outside of the mission of the journal, are deeply flawed, or do not conform to the guidelines listed below. Authors should submit their work electronically to the Manuscript Central website for SCJ: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rsjc

All manuscripts should include an abstract of approximately 150 words and a list of key words that clearly indicate the scholarly conversation to which the essay contributes. Submissions may be in either APA or Chicago, and must be original research not under review elsewhere.

Manuscripts should not normally exceed 25 double-spaced pages, including text, references, notes, tables, and figures. Writing must be free of sexist and discriminatory language. Upon notification of acceptance of a manuscript, the author must provide a copy of the completed manuscript as well as camera-ready copy of any artwork and figures, and must assign copyright to the Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

-Inquiries may be made to the Editor, Benjamin R. Bates, Ohio University, [email protected].

-Books for review and book review ideas should be submitted to Dr. Jennifer F. Wood, Millersville University, [email protected].

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Journal metrics


  • 69K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 0.6 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 0.9 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 1.0 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • 0.560 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.238 (2023) SJR


  • 101 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 133 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 31% acceptance rate

Editorial board


Rebekah Fox - Texas State University, USA


Jennifer Wood - Millersville University, USA


Paul Achter - University of Richmond, USA
Robert Agne - Auburn University, USA
Lindsey Aloia - University of Arkansas, USA
Patricia Amason - University of Arkansas, USA
Kathryn Anthony - University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Wendy Atkins-Sayre - University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Kevin Barge - Texas A & M University, USA
Tim Barney - University of Richmond, USA
Christina Beck - Ohio University, USA
Jennifer Bevan – Chapman University, USA
Barbara Biesecker - University of Georgia, USA
Jason Black - University of North Carolina-Charlotte, USA
Carole Blair - University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA
Graham Bodie – University of Mississippi, USA
Robin Boylorn – University of Alabama, USA
Abby Brooks - Georgia Southern University, USA
Maegan Brooks - Willamette University, USA
Barry Brummett - University of Texas-Austin, USA
Patrice Buzzanell – Florida State University, USA
Heather Carmack - University of Alabama, USA
Gina Castle Bell - St. John's University, USA
David Cisneros – University of Illinois, USA
Colleen Colaner - University of Missouri, USA
Marcus Coleman – University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Lisa Corrigan - University of Arkansas, USA
Timothy M. Curran – Utah State University, USA
Stephanie Dailey - Texas State University, USA
James Darsey – Georgia State University, USA
Patricia Davis - Georgia State University, USA
Matthew deTar - Ohio University, USA
Jayson Dibble – Hope College, USA
Fran Dickson – Eastern Kentucky University, USA
Megan Dillow – West Virginia University, USA
Tasha Dubrinwy – Texas A&M University, USA
Renee Edwards – Louisiana State University, USA
Suzanne Enck – University of North Texas, USA
Keli Fazio – College of New Jersey, USA
Kory Floyd - University of Arizona, USA
Brandi Frisby - University of Kentucky, USA
Patricia Gettings - Indiana University Southeast, USA
Zachary Goldman - University of Louisville, USA
Joy Goldsmith – University of Memphis, USA
Alberto Gonzalez - Bowling Green State University, USA
Alan Goodboy – West Virginia University, USA
Marita Gronnvoll – Eastern Illinois University, USA
Dale Hample – Western Illinois University, USA
Joshua Hanan - University of Denver, USA
Tina Harris – University of Georgia, USA
David Henningsen – Northern Illinois University, USA
Mary Lynn Henningsen – Northern Illinois University, USA
Amy Heuman - Texas Tech University, USA
James Honeycutt - Louisiana State University, USA
Sean Horan – Texas State University, USA
Haley Horstman - University of Missouri, USA
Elaine Hsieh – University of Oklahoma, USA
Ronald Jackson - University of Cincinnatti, USA
Andre Johnson – University of Memphis, USA
Stephanie Kelly - North Carolina A&T State University, USA
Michael Kotowski – University of Tennessee, USA
Michael Kramer – University of Oklahoma, USA
Adrianne Kunkel – University of Kansas, USA
Jim Kuypers - Virginia Tech, USA
Brianna Lane - Christopher Newport University, USA
Michael Lee – College of Charleston, USA
Leah LeFebvre - University of Alabama, USA
Yachao Li - University of Georgia, USA
John Lynch – University of Cincinnati, USA
Katheryn Maguire – Wayne State University, USA
Roseann Mandziuk – Texas State University, USA
Jimmie Manning – Northern Illinois University, USA
Casey Malone Maugh Funderbunk - University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Rachel McLaren - University of Iowa, USA
Jennifer Mercieca – Texas A&M University, USA
Ann Miller – University of Central Florida, USA
Laura Miller – University of Tennessee, USA
Carol Mills – University of Alabama, USA
Jennifer Mize Smith - Western Kentucky University, USA
Kimberly Moffitt - University of Maryland - Baltimore County, USA
Dreama Moon - California State University - San Marcos, USA
Kelly Morrison – The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Thomas Nakayama - Northeastern University, USA
Ryan Neville-Shepard - University of Arkansas, USA
Kelly Odenweller – Iowa State University, USA
Emily Paskewitz - University of Tennessee, USA
Cynthia Peacock - University of Alabama, USA
Loretta Pecchioni – Louisiana State University, USA
Josh Pedersen – University of Alabama, USA
Kristan Poirot – Texas A&M University, USA
Narissra Punyanunt-Carter – Texas Tech University, USA
Andrew Pyle - Clemson University, USA
Srivi Ramasubramanian – Texas A&M University, USA
Michele Ramsey - Pennsylvania State University, USA
Emily Rauscher – Texas A&M University, USA
Adam Richards - Texas Christian University, USA
Kathleen Roberts - Duquesne University, USA
Clarke Rountree - University of Alabama - Huntsville, USA
Pavica Sheldon - University of Alabama - Huntsville, USA
Lijiang Shen - Pennsylvania State University, USA
Jiyeon So - Yonsei University, South Korea
Roger Stahl – University of Georgia, USA
Belinda Stillion-Southard - University of Georgia, USA
Bjørn Stillion-Southard - University of Georgia, USA
Ashli Stokes – University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Mary Stuckey - Pennsylvania State University, USA
Marceline Thompson-Hayes - Arkansas State University, USA
Davi Thornton – North Carolina A&T University, USA
Steven Venette - University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Michelle Violanti - University of Tennessee, USA
Mike Waltman - University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA
Tiffany Wang - University of Montevallo, USA
Eric Watts - University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA
Harry Weger – University of Central Florida, USA
Emily Winderman – University of Minnesota, USA
Norman Wong – University of Oklahoma, USA
Chelsea Woods - Virginia Tech, USA
Timothy R. Worley – Pennsylvania State University, USA
Courtney Wright – University of Tennessee, USA

Abstracting and indexing

Abstracted/Indexed in: ESCI, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, ProQuest online research databases.

Open access

Southern Communication Journal is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

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