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Journal overview

The Journal of Sustainable Real Estate (JOSRE) is a publication of the American Real Estate Society (ARES). JOSRE publishes research relevant to all stakeholders in the built environment. Applied research examining how improved energy efficiency, environmental improvement inside buildings, resource conservation, environmental remediation, urban design, technology, property valuation, and related topics facilitates the potential for improved human productivity, reduced carbon footprint, more livable urban form and related positive externalities. JOSRE’s research connects across architecture, construction, economics, environmental studies, finance, law, marketing, management, real estate, transportation, and urban planning disciplines. JOSRE’s publications move the globe towards a more sustainable world through cross-disciplinary research and study.

Like other journals, JOSRE uses a double-anonymized review process and has high academic standards. Unlike other journals, we post cases and industry resources useful for those who teach or want to learn more about sustainability. We encourage the use of color in graphs and live resource links in our journal articles.

The Editors of The Journal of Sustainable Real Estate are dedicated to working with scholars in existing and emerging markets to produce high quality papers to expand knowledge in the field of sustainability and the built environment.

American Real Estate Society (ARES) members may publish one article per year free of article publishing charges (APCs), subject to it being accepted following peer review, with an eligible discount code provided upon submission.

Peer Review Policy: All Original Articles submitted to this journal undergo a “double-anonymous” peer review by two to three referees after initial screening by the editor or designate.

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