Journal overview

Tourism Planning and Development (TPD) aims to explore and advance our theoretical and practical understandings of the intersections between tourism, planning and development studies. Each of these fields of study is characterised by rich scholarly and interdisciplinary traditions. TPD seeks to leverage these and other complementary scholarly traditions to build new interdisciplinary understandings in tourism planing and development.

In a rapidly changing and uncertain world, tourism planning and development processed are being shaped by globalisation, public, private and third sector management and governance. In some cases, communities, societies, governments, and non-government organisations. In doing so, the Journal seeks to engage and challenge readers by asking What can/should we do about tourism planning and development? Who can/should be taking responsibility for tourism planning and development?

Research investigating the nature, characteristics, processes, impacts and effects of tourism planning and development in the 21st century is welcome. Research exploring the key uncertainties between politics, society, culture and the environment, or scrutinising the shifting configurations of tourism and its social and economic logics are also particularly welcome.

Contributions to TPD may deal with locations at various stages of social, cultural and economics development, and be directed at exploring international, national, regional, or local scales. They may examine local and transnational mobilities and/or development processes, and may critically engage with developing-developed-emerging economies' dichotomies.

Planning is a future oriented and forward -looking process; however, we can publish comparative or historical accounts if these offer particularly novel insights into topical issues and support sound theoretical perspectives. In all cases, submissions to TPD must be not only conceptually and methodologically rigorous, but also relevant, contemporary, and engage with the key societal challenges that are shaping our world. Papers needs to demonstrate relevance to the international readership of the journal. Key themes may include:

Types of papers include:

  • Theory, Methodology and Empirically Grounded full papers: presenting original research results contributing theoretical, methodological and empirically grounded new knowledge - 7,000-9,000 words.
  • Short communications, opinion pieces and research notes: including comments on papers previously published and empirical work in progress - 2,000 - 4,000 words.

Special Editions: on 'hot topics' or conference proceedings of particular interest. We especially welcome special issue proposals that set the stage for new and timely themes, challenges, and approaches. Guest editors play a major role in ensuring that papers maintain the TPD's quality standards. While we are always open to special issue proposals, decisions on special issue proposals are made at three moments each year: 28 February; 31 May and; 31 October. Please contact the editors if you have an idea for a special issue.

Peer Review Statement

Tourism Planning & Development is an international, ranked, peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge. All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double anonymized and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. Click here to be taken to the submissions website.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

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