About this journal

Aims and scope

The Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering aims to contribute to, resolve, or mitigate global and local problems related to the built environment. The journal produces valuable empirical knowledge and lessons for architects and building engineers, bringing together new ideas from Asian countries, where the largest share of the world’s population lives in densely populated urban areas, with developments from European, American and African countries.

Articles published in the Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering contribute to evolution in the fields of architecture and building engineering. The journal is published in English to support international dissemination of Asian research.

The Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering publishes research from authors worldwide in all aspects of science, technology and art that encompasses the following topics:

  • The global environment
  • Architectural planning and design
  • Project management
  • Structural engineering
  • Structural mechanics
  • Building materials
  • Environmental engineering
  • Information technology
  • Other fields related to the built environment

The journal publishes original research articles.

Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering operates a double-anonymized peer review policy.

All articles are made freely and permanently available online through gold open access publication.

Journal metrics


  • 614K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.5 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 1.5 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 2.2 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 0.868 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.347 (2023) SJR


  • 51 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 69 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 11 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 36% acceptance rate

Editorial board

  • Honorary Editors
Ha, Gee-Joo, Former President of AIK
Kim, Kwang Woo, Former President of AIK
Meng, Jianmin, Vice President of ASC
Lu, Xilin, Professor of Tongji University
Ojima, Toshio, Former President of AIJ
Okada, Tsuneo, Former President of AIJ
Senda, Mitsuru, Former President of AIJ
Seo, Chee-Ho, Former President of AIK
Xiu, Long, President of ASC

  • Chief Editor
Mori, Suguru, Hokkaido University, Japan

  • Associate Editor
(Architectural Engineering)
Yun, Hyun-Do, Chungnam National University, South Korea

Zhang, Tong, Southeast University, China

  • Field Editors
(Architectural History and Theory)
Qing, Feng, Tsinghua University, China

(Architectural Planning and Design)
Horiguchi, Tohru, Kindai University, Japan
Lu, Andong, Nanjing University, China

(Building Structures and Materials)
Zhou, Ying, Tongji University, China

(Construction Management)
Lee, Ghang, Yonsei University, South Korea

(Environmental Engineering)
Park, Jun-Seok, Hanyang University, South Korea

(Urban Planning and Design)
Song, Junhwan, Yamaguchi University, Japan

  • Editorial Member
(Architectural History and Theory)
Baek, Jin, Seoul National University, South Korea
Cai, Jun, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Cho, Jae-Mo, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
Hu, Huiqin, Beijing University of Technology, China
Liao, Hanwen, Beijing University of Technology, China
Lu, Jiansong , Hunan University, China
Onda, Shigenao, Hosei University, Japan
Sun, Xiaofeng, Editorial Office of Architectural Journal, ASC, China
Wang, Xiaoqian, Southeast University, China

(Architectural Planning and Design)
Huang, Yiru, Tongji University, China
Jo, Seungkoo, Tongmyong University
Lee, Hyun Hee, Gachon University, South Korea
Liao, Hanwen, Beijing University of Technology, China
Maeda, Masahiro, Kyoto University, Japan
Matsuda, Yuji, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Onoda, Yasuaki, Tohoku University, Japan
Zhang, Jian, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Zhang, Lufeng, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

(Building Structures and Materials)
Bae, Baek-Il , Hanyang Cyber University, South Korea
Choi, Hyeong-Gil, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
Han, Sang-Young, Dong-A University, South Korea
Kanematsu, Manabu, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Li, Aiqun, Southeast University, China
Li, Hui, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Lu, Xilin, Tongji University, China
Nakagawa, Takafumi, Kyoto University, Japan
Nishiwaki, Tomoya, Tohoku University, Japan
Shi, Yongjiu, Tsinghua University, China
Tajiri, Seitaro, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Zhou, Ying, Tongji University, China

(Construction Management)
Ahn, Changbum-Ryan, Seoul National University, South Korea
Fang, Dongping, Tsinghua University, China
Gondo, Tomoyuki, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Ham, Sung-Il , Jeonju University, South Korea
Jeong,Woon-Seong, Chungbuk National University, South Korea
Kang, Young-Cheol , Yonsei University, South Korea
Kim, Young-Suk, Inha University, South Korea
Zhang, Qilin, Tongji University, China
Zhao, Xianzhong, Tongji University, China

(Environmental Engineering)
Hao, Luoxi, Tongji University, China
Jeong, Jae-Weon, Hanyang University, South Korea
Jo, Jae-Hun, Inha University, South Korea
Kim, Su-min, Yonsei University, South Korea
Ryu, Jong-Kwan, Chonnam National University, South Korea
Takada, Satoru, Kobe University, Japan
Yun, Geun-Young, Kyunghee University, South Korea

(Urban Planning and Design)
Wang, Wei, Southeast University, China
Chung, Jae-yong, Hongik University, South Korea
Guo, Xiangmin, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Kurose, Takafumi, Kyushu University, Japan
Lee, Jung-Hyung, Chung-Ang University, South Korea
Li, Qiang, Beijing University of Technology, China
Matsubara, Kosuke, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Yamazaki, Takahiro, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Tang, Shuoning, Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd., China
Zhang, Jie, Tsinghua University, China

  • Liaison
AIJ: Matsuda, Yuji, The University of Tokyo, Japan
AIK: Cha, Hee-Sung, Ajou University, South Korea
ASC: Zhou, Ying, Tongji University, China

Abstracting and indexing

Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering is included in the following Abstracting and Indexing services:
Science Citation Index Expanded
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Open access

Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering is an open access journal and only publishes open access articles. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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  2. Make an impact and reach new readers, not just those with easy access to a research library
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  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

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Society information

Founded in 1886, the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) has promoted the advancement and development of science, technology and art concerning architecture, with the mutual collaboration of its members. It was originally established as an institute for architects, with 26 founding architects. Mr. Josiah Conder, a British architect invited to teach at the Technical College in Tokyo (present the University of Tokyo) as a Professor of Architecture by the government, was elected as Honorary President of the Institute. The Institute was authorized by the Ministry of Education and changed its name to the Architectural Institute in 1905 and to the Architectural Institute of Japan in 1947. AIJ celebrated its centennial in 1986.
AIJ is an academic association with about 35,000 members. It is not a governmental organization but a non-profit organization for architects, building engineers and researchers in every field of architecture. AIJ publishes results of research and studies and spreads architectural culture through its programs such as exhibitions, symposia and distributes architectural information to the public. The main purpose of the Institute is to cultivate its members' abilities and to heighten architectural quality in Japan. Front-line researchers, officers of other architectural associations and officials of government and other public offices also are members of AIJ. AIJ liaises with universities and other research institutes. As the sole integrated institute in the field of architecture, AIJ has made an important contribution to the development of science, technology and art. There are many associations for architects, building engineers, general contractors, and building materials and equipment corporations in Japan. Among these associations, AIJ has been the most prestigious academic association.
AIJ organizes nationwide activities for its members. AIJ has nine chapters by dividing Japan into the following nine regions -- Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Tokai, Hokuriku, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu -- for activities to meet the detailed needs of each chapter. AIJ owns its head office building equipped with a library, a hall and conference rooms for members at the center of Tokyo.

The Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK) , the sole comprehensive organization for architectural research in Korea, was established in 1945 by the pioneers in Korean architecture, aiming at the advancement of architecture and the innovation of architectural technology.
Approximately 25,000 persons, embodying architects, building engineers, Researchers, professors, students, and government officials, are registered as the AIK's members, including library members and special members. The AIK is operated by a general assembly, a board of directors and committees, having eight local chapters. It publishes academic periodicals and journals, regularly holding academic conferences, symposia, seminars, and lectures.

Founded in October 1953, Architectural Society of China (ASC) is a national academic institute constituted by the professionals of architectural science and technology in China. ASC defines its development strategy by adhering to “Pursuit of Academic Excellence, Pioneer in Industry Development, Assistant to Government and Home for Members”. ASC Council comprises 10 working committees and there are 44 sub- institutes under the umbrella of ASC, including 24 professional institutes and 20 academic/ professional committees). Except Taiwan Province, 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have set up the local architectural societies. The ASC Headquarter maintains an operational directing relationship with all its local chapters.
ASC has over 100,000 individual members including honorary members, fellows, members, student members and correspondence members, and also has over 300 corporation members. ASC entrusts its sub-institutes and local chapters to assist for admitting members and practices dependency administration. In order to commend and encourage the work and contribution of the architectural engineering professionals from China and around the world, ASC awards two prizes, namely ASC Architectural Design Award and Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize.

Architectural Institute of Japan, Architectural Institute of Korea and Architectural Society of China and our publisher Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in our publications. However, Architectural Institute of Japan, Architectural Institute of Korea and Architectural Society of China and our publisher Taylor & Francis, our agents (including the editor, any member of the editorial team or editorial board, and any guest editors), and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Architectural Institute of Japan, Architectural Institute of Korea and Architectural Society of China and our publisher Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Architectural Institute of Japan, Architectural Institute of Korea and Architectural Society of China and our publisher Taylor & Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to, or arising out of the use of the Content. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions .

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