About this journal

Aims and scope

Advances in Physics publishes authoritative critical reviews by experts on topics of interest and importance to condensed matter physicists. It is intended for motivated readers with a basic knowledge of the journal’s field and aims to draw out the salient points of a reviewed subject from the perspective of the author.

The journal's scope includes condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics: broadly defined to include the overlap with quantum information, cold atoms, soft matter physics and biophysics.

The Perspectives section complements the regular reviews with occasional shorter, more provocative articles by leaders in their fields in order to stimulate debate in the community. These articles present concise perspectives on topics of major current interest.

All Advances in Physics reviews and perspectives are commissioned and subject to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. If you are planning to write a review article in the subject area covered by the journal and would like to discuss its suitability for submission to the journal, please contact Nigel Balmforth at the Publisher Taylor & Francis: [email protected]

Readership: Physicists, materials scientists and physical chemists in universities, industry and research institutes.

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Editorial board


Paolo Radaelli - University of Oxford, UK

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
L. Cugliandolo - Sorbonne University, France
S. Parameswaran - University of Oxford, UK


T. Egami - University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA
H. Hosono - Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
R. Golestanian - Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation, Germany
J. Moore - University of California, USA
J. Schmalian - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
P. Wolynes - Rice University, USA

Advisory Board:

S. Doniach (California)
P. Fulde (Stuttgart)
P. Pincus (California)
C. Rizzuto (Genoa)
J. White (Canberra)

Abstracting and indexing

Advances in Physics is abstracted and indexed in:

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Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
GeoRef (Americal Geosciences Institute)
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EBSCO Science & Technology Collection
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