About this journal

Aims and scope

Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University from 2018

Aviation publishes papers concerning the following fields of research:

Aviation has been published since 1996, and is the international research journal of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. It is a joint issue of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, National Aviation University, Warsaw University of Technology, Riga Technical University, Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy, Brno University of Technology, Estonian Aviation Academy, University of Žilina, Korea Aerospace University and Technical University of Košíce. Papers are published in English.

  • Aerostructures
  • Air Traffic Management
  • Air Transport Technologies and Development
  • Aircraft Avionics, Systems and Equipment
  • Airports
  • Flight Mechanics
  • Flight Physics
  • History of Aviation
  • Human Factors
  • Integrated Design and Validation (method and tools)
  • Propulsion

Aviation also publishes: short reports and notes, reviews, reports about conferences and workshops

All papers published in Aviation are reviewed by members of Editorial Board or by its appointed experts.

Editorial Correspondence

Including manuscripts for submission, should be addressed to J. Stankunas, Editor -in-chief of  Aviation at:

Antanas Gustaitis Aviation Institute of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Rodunes kelias 30, 02187 Vilnius, Lithuania. Tel. +370 5 274 4809; Fax: 232 9321. E-mail: [email protected]

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Abstracting and indexing

Aviation is abstracted and indexed in the following databases:
Academic OneFile; Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); Advanced Polymers Abstracts; Aerospace & High Technology Database; Aluminum Industry Abstracts; British Library Inside; Ceramic Abstracts; Compendex; Composites Industry Abstracts; Computer and Information Systems Abstracts; Corrosion Abstracts; CSA Civil Engineering Abstracts; CSA Engineering Research Database; CSA High Technology Research Database with Aerospace; CSA Materials Research Database; CSA Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts; CSA Technology Research Database; Earthquake Engineering Abstracts; EBSCOhost; Electronics and Communications Abstracts; Engineered Materials Abstracts; Engineering Index; International Aerospace Abstracts; Materials Business File; METADEX; Scopus; Solid State and Superconductivity Abstracts and the Transportation Research Board.

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