About this journal

Aims and scope

Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University from 2018.

Journal of Civil Engineering and Management is a peer-reviewed bimonthly released journal which provides an international forum for the dissemination of the latest original research, achievements and developments in many areas of civil engineering and management (excluding specific areas as seismic processes and earthquake engineering, offshore engineering, hydrology and hydraulic engineering, underground structures, transportation and traffic engineering, land surveying and mapping). The journal aims to provide a multidisciplinary forum for researchers, designers, users and manufacturers involved in the different fields of civil engineering and management. 

The Journal of Civil Engineering and Management publishes articles in the following fields:

• building materials and structures,
• structural mechanics and physics,
• geotechnical engineering,
• road and bridge engineering,
• urban engineering and economy,
• constructions technology, economy and management,
• information technologies in construction,
• fire protection, thermoinsulation and renovation of buildings,
• labour safety in construction.

Publications published in Journal of Civil Engineering and Management are original articles presenting new information and reviews. These publications provide essential ideas and information that will help for new scientific inquiries and improve competency, efficiency and productivity in world markets.

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Abstracting and indexing


The papers published in Journal of Civil Engineering and Management are abstracted/indexed by:

Advanced Polymers Abstracts; Aerospace & High Technology Database; Aluminium Industry Abstracts; Ceramic Abstracts; Civil Engineering Abstracts; COMPENDEX; Composite Industry Abstracts; Computer and Information Systems Abstracts; Copper Data Center Database; Corrosion Abstracts; EBSCOhost; Electronics and Communications Abstracts; Engineered Materials Abstracts; GALE; ICONDA; IndexCopernicus; INSPEC; IRBdirect; Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition; Materials Business File; Mechanical and Transportation Engineering Abstracts; METADEX; Science Citation Index Expanded TM; Scopus and VINITI Abstracts Journal.

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