Nature-based Strategies, Land Use and Agriculture

Created 15 Nov 2023| Updated 12 Dec 2023 | 7 articles

Land use, the management and modification of our terrestrial environment, is one of the main drivers of global environmental change. Unsustainable land use practices, like the clearing of forests to make way for industrial-scale agriculture, or the failure to make space for water and trees in urban areas, can cause environmental degradation, reduce human well-being and productivity, and also increase GHG emissions. Sustainable land use and agricultural practices, however, can significantly mitigate GHG emissions and better manage the risks and impacts of climate change to build resilience. This collection showcases current research on a range of sustainable land use and agricultural practices and other nature-based climate strategies being employed across regions and types of land. It also explores emerging linkages between action on climate change, food security, and biodiversity as some of the most pressing global challenges of the day.

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Originally published in Climate Policy, Volume: 24, Number: 1 (02 Jan 2024)

Published online: 17 Feb 2023
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Open Access