About this journal

Aims and scope

This title has ceased (2019)

Construction Research and Innovation ( CRI) is a quarterly journal published by the CIOB in partnership with Taylor & Francis Group, one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly and scientific journals.
Animated by a desire for a “built environment that works”, CRI responds to challenges emerging in the 21st century, including urbanisation, productivity, resource constraints and sustainability. It takes a holistic view, covering fields of construction activity – from contracting and design to procurement and project management – with a view to the wider issues that influence the built environment, including society, policy, planning and economics.
Focussing on the possibilities of the near- to medium-term future, CRI provides incisive analysis, rigorous research and case studies of innovative practice. With writing of the highest quality that is accessible to a broad, international audience, CRI aims to provide essential reading for built-environment business leaders, policy makers, researchers and community influencers.

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