Journal overview

The aim of International Journal of Geographical Information Science is to provide a forum for the exchange of original ideas, approaches, methods and experiences in the field of GIScience.

International Journal of Geographical Information Science covers the following topics:

  • Innovations and novel applications of GIScience in natural resources, social systems and the built environment
  • Relevant developments in computer science, cartography, surveying, geography, and engineering
  • Fundamental and computational issues of geographic information
  • The design, implementation and use of geographical information for monitoring, prediction and decision making
  • GIScience research addressing one or more of the UN SDGs

The journal publishes original articles, reviews, foresight papers, technical communications, editorials and book reviews.

International Journal of Geographical Information Science operates a double-anonymized peer review policy. Authors can choose to publish gold open access within this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

Read full aims and scope

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