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Journal overview

Intelligent buildings and cities can be defined by the following four pillars of knowledge:

People: health and well-being of individuals and communities.

Balance between Low and High Technologies: discrete use of smart enabling technologies but with consideration to the use of natural passive systems.

Sustainability: the design and management for net zero energy consumption, water saving, minimum waste and pollution.

Connection with Nature: research and applications of biomimetics and biophilia have shown that Nature is not only vital for health and well-being but offers ways of being sustainable in the minimum use of energy and materials.

Buildings and cities are planned, designed and managed for the long term by a multidisciplinary supply and demand chain of stakeholders so collaboration and effective leadership are essential. Setting long term visions and effective connectivity processes based on improving social value are key. This is true for designing new or regenerating old buildings and cities.

Submissions are welcomed on topics related to:

  • Intelligent Buildings and Cities: Visions and Strategies
  • Innovation and Technology
  • Transdisciplinary approach using knowledge from across sectors
  • People: Health and Wellbeing
  • User sensory design
  • Social Value Economics
  • Design and Management
  • Biomimetics and Biophilia
  • Designing and Managing for Sustainability
  • Assessing and rating measures for sustainability, health and wellbeing

These are broad headings only and you may propose other topics. Your approach may be from a review or your own research, a case study, an opinion essay, or simply a technical note. The journal wants to encompass how we deal with the disruption arising from change, new ways of thinking, strategic planning with an emphasis on value rather than just capital short-term costs. The journal welcomes contributions from a wide variety of disciplines, including medicine, psychology, sociology, ecology, ergonomics, as well as architecture, engineering and project management.

One can also learn a lot from cross sector approaches. The car, aerospace and fashion worlds for example share a common knowledge on design. The journal is open to ideas and collective thinking not bound by tradition but remembering that lessons from history as well as the present lead us into the future.

The emphasis is on the big picture and joining up the various fields of knowledge to make an effective contribution to advancing the field of intelligent buildings and cities. In depth case study evidence is welcome too.

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Special print subscription rate of £40 / US$66 for CIB members. Contact +44 (0)20 7017 5543 or [email protected] to subscribe.Special Issue Proposals: The Journal will not evaluate any new proposals until early 2025.

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