About this journal

Aims and scope

Published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University from 2018.

Creativity Studies accepts original research articles with a focus on communication within the creative society. The journal welcomes contributions from scholars from diverse disciplines such as philosophy, sociology, history, political, communication and information sciences. Creativity Studies also publishes the survey papers and descriptions of academic events in this area. The journal issues will be organized around different issues on creativity.

Much attention has been paid to visual and creativity studies. It reflects also new initiatives that should contribute to the development of the creative society. The conception and definition of the creative society means for some our harmonical and sustainable future while for others it could entail the constant conflicts and inconsistencies. Therefore, the journal focuses on problems particular to the creative society and its communication, creative regions, training and management of creativity, and creative innovations in various sectors of science, art and culture.

The creativity researches in the perspective of creative society become the interdisciplinary forum on philosophy, history, sociology, political, communication sciences.

The process of peer-reviewing in the journal Creativity Studies is as follows:

  1. The Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor together decide who could be a reviewer.
  2. One reviewer is the member of the editorial board, another one is outside the Editorial Board or both reviewers are outside the Editorial Board.
  3. In the case of one negative peer-review, the Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor engage third reviewer.

Additionally, the Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor have no possibility to publish their papers in the journal Creativity Studies.

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Abstracting and indexing

The papers published in the journal are abstracted/indexed by EBSCOhost ( EBSCO Publishing), International Political Science Abstracs, C.E.E.O.L. ( Central and Eastern European Online Library), IndexCopernicus and Scopus.

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