About this journal

Aims and scope

  Neotropical Biodiversity publishes open access research on all scales of biodiversity including, molecules, genes, populations, species and ecosystems. Neotropical Biodiversity is the official journal of the National Secretariat for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation.

Neotropical Biodiversity publishes research of exceptional significance for biodiversity within the Neotropics internationally, and accepts research on the following topics:

  • Anatomy
  • Biogeography
  • Computational biology
  • Evolutionary developmental biology
  • Molecular biology
  • Biotechnology
  • Conservation biology
  • Ecology and evolution
  • Population biology
  • Taxonomy

The main criteria for acceptance of reviews and research papers are originality, scientific rigour and appeal to an international readership.

Neotropical Biodiversity also publishes occasional monographs that clearly represent substantial contributions in a particular field.

Neotropical Biodiversity accepts original research articles and reviews. The journal operates a double anonymized peer review policy.


Neotropical Biodiversity publica artículos de investigación en acceso abierto sobre todo lo relacionado con la biodiversidad de las regiones neotropicales, incluyendo moléculas, genes, poblaciones, especies y ecosistemas. Neotropical Biodiversity es la revista oficial de la Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Ecuador (SENESCYT).

Neotropical Biodiversity acepta artículos de investigación sobre los siguientes temas:

  • Anatomía
  • Biogeografía
  • Biología computacional
  • Biología evolutiva del desarrollo
  • Biología molecular
  • Biotecnología
  • Biología de la conservación
  • Ecología y evolución
  • Biología de poblaciones
  • Taxonomía

Neotropical Biodiversity has ceased publication with Taylor & Francis since 31 December 2023. Please contact the Editor, Sara Alvarez Solas, [email protected] for more information.

Los principales criterios para la aceptación artículos de investigación y de revisión son la originalidad, el rigor científico y su relevancia para una audiencia internacional.

Neotropical Biodiversity también publica monografías de manera esporádica que claramente representen aportaciones significativas en un campo del conocimiento determinado.

Neotropical Biodiversity acepta artículos de investigación y de revisión inéditos. La revista aboga por una revisión por parte de expertos de forma anónima sin conocer la identidad del autor del artículo ( double anonymized peer review).

El coste de publicar en acceso abierto en Neotropical Biodiversity queda cubierto por la Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Ecuador (SENESCYT), que está comprometida a apoyar a Neotropical Biodiversity a largo plazo como espacio que facilita la circulación de información mediante el acceso libre.

Se puede acceder permanentemente a todos los artículos de forma gratuita mediante su publicación en acceso abierto dorado.

Encontrará más información sobre cómo presentar su artículo en el apartado instrucciones para autores (en inglés).

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Editorial board

Editors-in-Chief (2020)

Patricia E. Salerno
English Liaison & Correspondent

Affiliation: Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Ecuador
Email: tneo.editor:gmail.com

Ph.D in Ecology, Evolution, and Behaviour, University of Texas at Austin, USA (2014)
Undergraduate in Biology, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela (2006)

Patricia is an evolutionary ecologist, biogeographer, and phylogeneticist who studies histories of populations and species at different geographic and evolutionary scales. During her PhD, Patricia specialized in the fields of phylogenetics and systematics, studying the evolutionary history of frogs endemic to high-altitude plateaus (tepuis) in southern Venezuela. During her six years as a postdoctoral researcher, Patricia delved into genomic tools for studying non-model species, and participated in a diverse array of projects related to conservation genomics, island biogeography, and ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, targeting a wide range of taxa. On her projects, Patricia has worked from developing and designing the field sampling and genomic library preparations, to running the bioinformatics pipeline and downstream analyses. Patricia joined the faculty at Ikiam in October 2019, and hopes to build many genomics projects with local and international collaborators that will address pressing questions about Andean and Amazonian biodiversity and conservation

Sara Álvarez-Solas
Spanish Liaison & Correspondent

Affiliation: Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Ecuador
Email: tneo.editor:gmail.com

Ph.D. in Animal Behavior, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España (2014)
Undergraduate in Biology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España (2008)

Sara is an ecologist who seeks to understand the evolution of animal social behavior and the ecological factors driving interactions within ecosystems. She also works with plant-animal interactions, mammal monitoring within protected areas and buffer zones, and evaluating faunal rehabilitations and reintroductions for generating more informed release protocols, including environmental educational programs. Sara is the vice-president of the Primate Study Group from Ecuador (GEPE), an important initiative developing an Action Plan for Primate Conservation in Ecuador and a part of the species survival comission of the IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group. Sara has enormous passion understanding community and ecosystem interactions with a particular focus on animal behavior, conservation, management, education, and human behavior.

Advisory Board Editors

Jennifer Guevara
Affiliation: Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: Evolutionary Ecology, Evolution of Animal Sociality, Community Ecology, Macroecology, Social Spiders
Email: [email protected]

Bryan Valencia
Current Affliation: Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: paleoecology, climate change, Andean paleoecology, climate modelling.
Email: [email protected]

Gabriel Massaine Moulatlet
Current Affliation: Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: Community ecology, Hydrology, Plant Ecology, Pteridophytes, Remote Sensing, Soils,Tropical Biodiversity
Email: [email protected]

Associate Editors:

Leticia Avilés
Affiliation: University of British Columbia, Canada
Areas of expertise: Group living, Social behaviour, Population and community ecology, Inbreeding, Sex ratios

Elisa Bonaccorso
Affiliation: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: Biogeography, Phylogenetics, Bird systematics

Federico Brown
Affiliation: Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Areas of expertise: Evolutionary developmental biology

Rachel Collin
Affiliation: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama
Areas of expertise: Marine invertebrates, Gastropod systematics, Life histories

Eduardo Dominguez
Affiliation: Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina
Areas of expertise: Ephemeroptera, Rivers, Systematics

David A. Donoso
Affiliation: Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Quito, Edcuador
Areas of Expertise: Ecology, Tropical ecology, Biodiversity theory, Ecological Interactions, Formicidae, Global change

Monica Guerra
Affiliation: Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: Herpetology, Animal behaviour, Sexual selection, Bioacoustics

Lou Jost
Affiliation: EcoMinga, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: Biodiversity measures, Population genetics, Plant taxonomy, Conservation biology

Igor Kaefer
Affiliation: Universidade Federal do Amazonas
Areas of expertise: Ecology and Natural History of Amphibians and Reptiles, Amazonia

John Kelly

Affiliation: University of Kansas, USA
Areas of expertise: Evolutionary quantitative genetics, Population biology

G. Mathias Kondolf
Affiliation: University of California at Berkeley, USA
Areas of expertise: Geomorphology/hydrology interactions with the biota and/or river restoration

Jonathan Liria
Affiliation: Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: Biogeography, Systematics, Medical entomology, Forensic entomology, Geometric morphometrics

Luis Daniel Llambi
Affiliation: Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela
Areas of expertise: Plant community ecology, Community dynamics, Plant-plant interactions, Alpine ecology

Glauco Machado
Affiliation: Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Areas of expertise: Behavioural ecology, Sexual selection, Parental care, Defense mechanisms

Lisa L. Manne
Affiliation: City University of New York / College of Staten Island
Areas of expertise: Biogeography, Population ecology, Conservation biology, Macroecology

Enrique Martínez-Meyer
Affiliation: Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM, Mexico
Areas of expertise: Geographical ecology, Climate change biology, Ecology of mammals

Nathan Muchhala
Affiliation: University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA
Areas of expertise: Evolutionary ecology of pollination systems

Jorge Ari Noriega
Affiliation: Department of Biogeography and Global Change, National Museum of Natural Science (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
Areas of expertise: Insects, Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Functional ecology, Assemblage dynamics, Neotropics, Amazon region

Nora Oleas
Affiliation: Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: Populations biology, Genetics, Plant ecology, Endangered species

Mauricio Ortega-Andrade
Current Affliation: Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: Biogeography, Global Change, Herpetology, Systematics, Threatened Species/Ecosystems

Natalia Pabón-Mora
Affiliation: Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Areas of expertise: Plant morpho-anatomy, Flower and fruit development, Floral symmetry, Parasitic plants, Gene duplication, Gene functional evolution.

Maria Cristina Peñuela-Mora
Affiliation: Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: Plant ecology, Forest resources management, Community ecology

Town Peterson
Affiliation: University of Kansas, USA
Areas of expertise: Biogeography, Ecological modelling, Bird systematics

Jessica Purcell
Affiliation: University of California – Riverside, USA
Areas of Expertise: Ecology and evolution of sociality, Population genomics, biogeography, Animal behavior

Alonso Ramirez
Affiliation: Universidad de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
Areas of expertise: Rivers, Urban Streams, Macroinvertebrates (Odonata), Functional Ecology of Rivers, Food Webs

Blanca Ríos-Touma
Affiliation: Universidad de Las Américas, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: Aquatic ecology, Invertebrate ecology, River restoration, Trichoptera

Jeet Sukumaran
Affiliation: Duke University, USA
Areas of expertise: Computational evolutionary biology, Phylogenetic inference methods

Ibon Tobes
Affiliation: Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Ecuador
Areas of expertise: River ecology, Ichthyology, Environmental quality

Linda Trueb
Affiliation: University of Kansas, USA
Areas of expertise: Amphibian morphology and taxonomy

Yntze van der Hoek
Current Affliation: The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International, Musanze, Rwanda
Areas of expertise: Spatial ecology, Landscape Ecology, Biogeography, Conservation Biology.

Veerle Vanacker
Affiliation: Earth and Life Institute, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Areas of expertise: Human-landscape interactions, Integrated catchment management, Soil and sediment fluxes, Integrated watershed management

Renzo Vargas
Affiliation: Instituto de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Complejidad, Chile
Areas of expertise: Ecological interactions, Behavior

Abstracting and indexing


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  • Scopus

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  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

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Society information

The National Secretariat for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation is the department responsible for applying the policies governing higher education in Ecuador and the promotion of scientific research, training of human talent, innovation and technology transfer, and ancestral knowledge. The Secretariat coordinates the interactions between the executive power and institutions of higher education in order to promote academic productivity and social strengthening.

La Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación es la institución encargada de garantizar en Ecuador la aplicación de los principios que rigen la educación superior y de promover la investigación científica, la formación del talento humano, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y los saberes ancestrales. La Secretaría coordina las acciones entre el poder ejecutivo y las instituciones de educación superior en aras del fortalecimiento académico, productivo y social.

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