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Journal overview

Perspectives: policy and practice in higher education informs and challenges higher education managers and administrators, both within the UK and internationally, by publishing scholarly material which analyses and develops their practice of leadership, management and policymaking. It also aims to inform students and researchers into higher education policy, leadership and management as well as policy makers in governmental organisations and elsewhere.

Contributions are welcomed from practitioners in the field as well as from those studying higher education. Articles should aim to:

  • advance managers’ and policymakers’ knowledge and understanding within the wider higher education environment;
  • encourage the exchange and internationalisation of ideas about the practice and development of management in higher education;
  • and foster debate about the effects of changes in the environment on working practices in higher education management.

Submissions normally take one of the following forms, both must demonstrate engagement with the academic literature base and have explicit implications for practice.

  • Research-driven articles – of up to 4500 words, typically a research study or literature review;
  • Practitioner case studies – of up to 2500 words, typically an institutional project, or reflective commentary.

Contributions may be focused on the UK higher education system, or overseas higher education systems. The journal will remain focused on providing content to inform UK higher education practice, and therefore international contributions will be expected to explicitly acknowledge the potential implications for a UK readership.

AHEP Membership:

For more information on joining the Association of Higher Education Professionals please visit:

Peer Review Policy:

All articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

Read full aims and scope

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