Journal overview

International Journal of Pest Management publishes original research papers and reviews concerned with pest management in the broad sense, covering the control of pests (invertebrates, vertebrates and weeds) and diseases of plants, fungi and their products – including biological control, varietal and cultural control, chemical controland interference methods.

The management of invasive species is of special interest. We also encourage submissions dealing with interactions of multiple pests such as arthropods and plant pathogens, pathogens and weeds or weeds and arthropods as well as those dealing with the indirect and direct effects of climate change on sustainable agricultural practices.

The journal covers the following scientific topics:

  • Population dynamics of pests in relation to management strategies.
  • Assessment of pest or weed and disease damage characteristics / levels and associated yield loss; damage and economic thresholds; sampling and monitoring methods.
  • Pest management systems including decision support and risk analyses.
  • Analysis of farmers’ perceptions of pest management constraints or technologies and of economic benefits supporting studies of the efficacy of pest management at field- and farm-scale.
  • The relationship of pest management to the wider aspects of farming systems and rural development policy.
  • Pre and post-harvest pest management.
  • Novel pest management approaches, technology, methods and techniques
  • Non-target effects of pesticide use / of biological control introductions.
  • Life-history strategies and evolution of pest organisms / biological control agents.
  • Plant defense mechanism in the context of pest management.
  • Environmental sustainability in relation to pest management practices.

Reviews -The journal also publishesinvited reviewson various areas of pest management. Authors of potential reviews are advised to contact the editor with a brief outline of subject matter and content before preparing a manuscript.

Forum section - The journal has an occasionalforum section for short papersaimed at facilitating discussion and debate between readers and authors on important issues in pest management.

Please note that studies will only be accepted for publication when supported by rigorous, appropriate statistical analysis and that m anuscripts must be written to the highest standard of English. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is single anonymized.

The following donotfall within the aims and scope of the journal:

1. Pathogens of medical and veterinary importance,exceptwhere vector biology is the focus of a study.
2. Pesticide testing, development, formulation and application methods and testing.
3. Publication of new records of pests or weeds.
4. Studies of only localized significance.
5. Studies involving single laboratory/ field assays.
6. Studies with plant extracts for pest management, including allelopathy, unless these include demonstration of efficacy under field-like conditions.

Readership : Researchers in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, aquaculture, stored products and medico-veterinary pest management.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

Read full aims and scope

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