About this journal

Aims and scope

Zoology in the Middle East is a journal which publishes original papers and review papers on ecology, zoogeography, animal biology, biodiversity, faunistics, systematics and morphology of the Middle East. It seeks to further the understanding of the Middle East as a zoogeographic unit and aims at improving the interchange of knowledge and ideas between specialists on different subjects and taxa.

Journal metrics


  • 21K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 0.6 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 0.8 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 1.6 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • 0.671 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.406 (2023) SJR


  • 67 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 6 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 35% acceptance rate

Editorial board


Dr Max Kasparek - Heidelberg, Germany

Associate Editor

Dr Adrian C. Pont - University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, UK

Advisory Board Members

Prof. Dr Zuhair S. Amr - Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan
Dr. Yulia Astafurova - Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
Prof. Dr Wolfgang Böhme - Museum Alexander König, Germany
Prof. Dr Ali Demirsoy - Hacettepe University, Turkey
Dr Sherif Baha El Din - Egyptian Environment Affairs Agency, Egypt
Prof. Dr Henri Dumont - Ghent University, Belgium
Dr Francis Gilbert - Nottingham University, UK
Prof. Dr George Japoshvili - Agricultural University of Georgia, Georgia
Dr Bahram H. Kiabi - Shaheed Beheshti University, Iran
Dr Fareed Krupp - Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Dr Boris Kryštufek - University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia
Dr Wilson R. Lourenço - Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France
Dr Yuri M. Marusik - Institute for Biological Problems of the North, Magadan, Russia
Dr Tomáš Pavlícek - University of Haifa, Israel
Prof. Dr Vladimir Pešic - University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Dr Hossein Rajaei - State Museum of Natural History, Stuttgart, Germany
Prof. Dr. Mostafa A. Saleh - Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
Dr Çagan H. Sekercioglu - University of Utah, USA
Dr Torsten Wronski - Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Dr. Seyyed Saeed Hosseinian Yousefkhani - Damghan, Iran

Updated 26-03-2024

Abstracting and indexing

Zoology in the Middle East is indexed in:


  • AgBiotechNet

  • Agricultural Economics Database

  • Agroforestry Abstracts (Online)

  • Animal Breeding Abstracts (Online)

  • Animal Science Database

  • Biocontrol News and Information (Online)

  • CAB Abstracts (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux)

  • Crop Science Database

  • Environmental Impact

  • Field Crop Abstracts (Online)

  • Forest Products Abstracts (Online)

  • Forest Science Database

  • Forestry Abstracts (Online)

  • Global Health

  • Grasslands and Forage Abstract (Online)

  • Helminthological Abstracts (Online)

  • Horticultural Science Database

  • Irrigation and Drainage Abstract (Online)

  • Leisure Tourism Database

  • Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews. Series B: Livestock Feeds and Feeding (Online)

  • Nutrition and Food Sciences Database

  • Organic Research Database

  • Ornamental Horticulture (Online)

  • Parasitology Database

  • Plant Breeding Abstracts (Online)

  • Plant Genetic Resources Abstracts (Online)

  • Plant Genetics and Breeding Database

  • Postharvest Abstracts

  • Poultry Abstracts (Online)

  • Review of Agricultural Entomology (Online)

  • Review of Medical and Veterinary Entomology (Online)

  • Rural Development Abstracts (Online)

  • Seed Abstracts (Online)

  • Soil Science Database

  • Soils and Fertilizers (Online)

  • TropAg & Rural

  • Tropical Diseases Bulletin (Online)

  • Veterinary Science Database

  • VetMed Resource

  • Weed Abstracts (Online)


  • Biological Abstracts (Online)

  • Current Abstracts, 9/1/2008-

  • TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 9/1/2008-

  • Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide, 1/1/1986-

Elsevier BV


  • Scopus, 1995-


  • ASFA Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts, Selective

  • ASFA1: Biological Sciences and Living Resources (Online), Selective, CS

  • Biological Sciences, Core

  • Ecology Abstracts (Online), Core

  • Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management, Core

  • Sustainability Science Abstracts, Selective

Thomson Reuters

  • Biological Abstracts (Online)

  • BIOSIS Previews

  • Science Citation Index Expanded

  • Web of Science

  • Zoological Record Online


  • Referativnyi Zhurnal

  • Wildlife Review Abstracts

Open access

Zoology in the Middle East is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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