About this journal

Aims and scope

From 2017 this journal no longer accepts submissions. Please submit to Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association.

Australian Academic & Research Libraries is the premier research journal of the Australian Library and Information Association. It is a quarterly journal that publishes original, refereed research relevant to the researcher and practitioner communities. AARL is a forum for discussing significant issues of interest to librarianship and related information fields. The journal aims to showcase theoretical and practice-based research undertaken in, about, and relevant to, Australia and our broader region.  AARL invites contributions from authors world-wide, working across the full range of information professions, as well as those in the higher education sector and research libraries.

Peer review policy
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and double-blind refereeing. 

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Abstracting and indexing

AARL is abstracted or indexed in Australian Library and Information Science Abstracts, Information Science Abstracts, Library and Information Science Abstracts, Library Literature, Australian Council for Educational Research, Periodicals Index Online, Database of Research on International Education, EBSCOhost, Scopus, ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), H.W. Wilson, APAIS: Australian Public Affairs Information Service (Online), Australian Education Index (Online), OCLC, Ovid, ProQuest, Thomson Reuters

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