About this journal

Aims and scope

Published by Wiley from 2018.

The North American Journal of Fisheries Management is intended to promote communication among managers, the journal addresses the maintenance, enhancement, and allocation of fisheries resources. Its contents chronicle the development of practical monitoring and management programs for finfish and exploitable shellfish in marine and freshwater environments. Contributions relate to the way species, habitats, and harvests may be managed to protect and enhance fish and fishery resources for societal benefits. Case histories of successes, failures, and side effects of fisheries programs help convey practical management experience to others.

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Abstracting and indexing

Abstracting/Indexed in: American Fisheries Abstracts; Current Index to Statistics; Animal Behavior Abstracts; CABI (listed in various services in CABI); EBSCOhost (listed in various services in EBSCOhost); Elsevier BV (BIOBASE, GEOBASE, Scopus); Essential Fisheries Abstracts; INIS Collection Search; OCLC (ArticleFirst, Biological & Agricultural Index); ProQuest (listed in various services in ProQuest); Thomson Reuters (listed in various services in Thomson Reuters)

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