Journal overview

An authoritative peer-reviewed periodical containing timely information of a multidisciplinary nature for clinicians and other professionals in the drug abuse field; Journal of Psychoactive Drugs consistently addresses complex issues such as the disease concept of addiction, drugs and mental health, use and abuse of hallucinogens, ethnographic drug research, drug dependence and the family and more!

For over fifty years, the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs has been on the leading edge of developments in the study of substance use and abuse from a multidisciplinary perspective.

It was the first journal established in the United States to focus on psychoactive drug abuse, and continues to introduce groundbreaking work in topics such as drug use and criminality, therapeutic communities, dual diagnosis, psychotherapy/counseling, medication-assisted treatment, and culturally relevant substance abuse treatment.

The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs publishes research, case reports and other studies dealing with the experimental and policy issues of drug use as well as the treatment of drug abuse.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106

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