About this journal

Aims and scope

Published by Elsevier from 2022.

Structural Heart: The Journal of the Heart Team is an international journal publishing research on structural heart disorders and related cardiovascular diseases.

Structural Heart is an official journal of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation.

Structural heart disorders have become the most rapidly growing aspect of cardiovascular practice. The explosive growth of structural heart disease interventions, fuelled by new, more accurate non-invasive diagnostic assessment and breakthrough interventional and surgical therapy, has generated abundant research data. Presentations on structural heart disorders now occupy a large segment of national cardiovascular meetings. These clinical advances benefit from team decision-making and collaboration among various professional disciplines involved in the care of these patients.
There is a growing need for new types of information to be disseminated to all members of the heart team, and Structural Heart is committed to being the conduit for this novel, and much-needed information.

Structural Heart focuses on diseases of the heart valves, myocardium, pericardium, and great vessels as well as congenital heart disease. Specific areas of interest include:

  • diagnostic techniques
  • percutaneous interventional procedures
  • cardiovascular surgery
  • drug treatment
  • findings from the laboratory
  • clinical trials

Structural Heart accepts the following types of articles: original research, symposia, clinical reviews and updates, editorials, letters, opinion pieces and commentary. The journal also publishes consensus documents and white papers with recommendations on current topics in cardiovascular disease.

Structural Heart operates a single blind peer review policy.

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Abstracting and indexing

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