About this journal

Aims and scope

Women's Studies in Communication ( WSIC ) provides a feminist forum for diverse research, reviews, and commentary addressing the relationships between communication and gender. WSIC invites contributions that advance our understanding of the intersections of gender and race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, sexuality, and class, as well as the articulations between gendered performances, power, and representation in public culture. Topically and methodologically inclusive, WSIC publishes quantitative, qualitative, and critical communication scholarship drawing from a variety of areas including but not limited to interpersonal, organizational, performance, rhetoric, media, and cultural studies. The editor is committed to promoting the best work that falls within these parameters and also to encouraging the development of new voices and new projects that challenge conventions guiding communication scholarship. Feminist studies concerning queer and transgender politics, masculinity, dis/ability, labor, transnationalism, postcolonialism, and critical race theory are especially encouraged at this time.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Journal metrics


  • 72K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.4 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q2 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 2.4 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 1.8 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 0.867 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.315 (2023) SJR


  • 17 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 111 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 41 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 15% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Marissa Doshi, Hope College, USA

Book and Media Review Editor
Lydia Huerta
, University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Conversation and Commentary Editor
Loretta LeMaster, Arizona State University, USA

Editorial Assistant
Hailey Schumann
, Hope College, USA
The Organization for Research on Women and Communication (ORWAC)
Diane Keeling
, University of San Diego, USA

Vice President
Jenna Hanchey
, University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Immediate Past President
Leslie Harris
, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA

Alyssa Samek, California State University, Fullerton, USA

Membership Officer
Tiffany Lewis, Baruch College, CUNY, USA

Editorial Board
Tony Adams, Bradley University
Godfried Asante, San Diego State University
Ahmet Atay, College of Wooster
Lamiyah Bahrainwala, Southwestern University
Jeffrey Bennett, Vanderbilt University
Barbara A. Biesecker, University of Georgia
Robin Boylorn, Unversity of Alabama
Caitlin Bruce, University of Pittsburgh
Patrice M. Buzzanell, University of South Florida
Bernadette Calafell, Gonzaga University
Andre Cavalcante, University of Virginia
Devika Chawla, Ohio University
Karma R. Chávez, The University of Texas at Austin
E Cram, University of Iowa
Michelle Colpean, Miami University - Hamilton
Lisa Corrigan, University of Arkansas
Satarupa Dasgupta, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Sarah De Los Santos Upton, The University of Texas at El Paso
Sarah E. Dempsey, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Aisha Durham, University of South Florida
Katherine J. Denker, Ball State University
Tasha Dubriwny, Texas A&M University
Rosa A. Eberly, Penn State University
Stine Eckert, Wayne State University
Suzanne Enck, University of North Texas
Shinsuke Eguchi, University of New Mexico
Sandra L. Faulkner, Bowling Green State University
Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz, University of Iowa
Lisa Flores, University of Colorado Boulder
Karen A. Foss, University of New Mexico
Sonja K. Foss, University of Colorado Denver
Radhika Gajjala, Bowling Green State University
Haneen Ghabra, Kuwait University
Ashley Hall, Illinois State University
Jenna N. Hanchey, Arizona State University
Leslie Ann Hahner, Baylor University
Lynn O'Brien Hallstein, Boston University
Leslie J. Harris, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Sara Hayden, University of Montana
Radha S Hegde, New York University
Leandra Hernandez, University of Utah
Kristen Hoerl, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Michelle A. Holling, California State University San Marcos
Sarah J Jackson, University of Pennsylvania
Robin E. Jensen, University of Utah
Paul Elliott Johnson, University of Pittsburgh
Diane Keeling, University of San Diego
Casey Kelly, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Sarah Kornfield, Hope College
Claire Sisco King, Vanderbilt University
Marina Levina, University of Memphis
Ziyu Long, Colorado State University
Ashley Mack, Louisiana State University
Jimmie Manning, University of Nevada, Reno
Amanda R. Martinez, Davidson College
Joan Faber McAlister, Drake University
Bryan McCann, Louisiana State University
Lucy J. Miller, West Chester University
Leigh Moscowitz, University of South Carolina
Ali Na, Queen's University
Marnel Niles Goins, Marymount University
Gloria Pindi Nziba, California State University San Marcos
Catherine Helen Palczewski, University of Northern Iowa
Valerie Palmer-Mehta, Oakland University
Radhika Parameswaran, Indiana University Bloomington
Kyra Pearson, Loyola Marymount University
Kendall R. Phillips, Syracuse University
Gloria Pindi, California State University San Marcos
Kristan Poirot, Texas A&M University
Erin J. Rand, Syracuse University
Srividya Ramasubramanian, Syracuse University
Valerie Renegar, Southwestern University
Alyssa Samek, California State University Fullerton
Danielle Stern, Christopher Newport University
Raka Shome, Villanova university
Stacey Sowards, University of Texas at Austin
Cara Wallis, Texas A&M University
Myra Washington, University of Utah
Isaac West, Vanderbilt University
Carly Woods, University of Maryland
Amy Young, Pacific Lutheran University
Stephanie Young, University of Southern Indiana

Abstracting and indexing

Abstracted/Indexed in: Canada in Context, ESCI, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, Scopus, Gale General OneFile, Gale World Scholar: Latin America & the Caribbean, OCLC Humanities Index (Online), ProQuest online research databases, University of Wisconsin at Madison Feminist Periodicals (Online).

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