Journal overview

Change, which is published six times a year, is a magazine dealing with contemporary issues in higher education. Using a magazine format rather than that of an academic journal, Change covers anything related to higher education, "all things higher education." It spotlights trends; provides new insights and ideas; and analyzes the implications of educational programs, policies, and practices. It is intended to stimulate and inform reflective practitioners in colleges, universities, foundations, government, and elsewhere. Its readers include faculty, administrators, trustees, state and federal officials, accreditors, foundation officers, and students.

Change is a magazine rather than an academic journal. Like other magazines, it provides material varying in focus, format, and length. These include articles, features, and columns. Periodically, Change devotes an entire issue or focuses several articles in an issue on a particular topic.

The magazine article is a genre unto itself. Magazine articles need to capture the reader's attention quickly and then keep it. By the end of the first few paragraphs, readers should know what the topic is and why it is likely to be of interest to them. Writers should avoid jargon and use concrete nouns, active verbs, clear sentence structure, and examples and illustrations. Paragraphs should be short, and the use of sub-headings is encouraged; the text itself should be concise and engaging. A good article compels attention to an important matter, makes a persuasive argument or tells an engaging story, and is credible, knowing its subject and supporting its claims.

Peer Review Policy:

All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and/or peer review.

In reviewing submissions for publication, the editors and reviewers will consider the importance and timeliness of the topic; soundness of ideas and evidence; breadth of interest and applicability; engaging and clear writing. To see the kind of writing that works for Change, go to Please do not submit material that is also being considered by another publication or that substantially overlaps with previously published articles.


is published by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Editorial sponsorship is provided by the Pullias Center for Higher Education and the Rossier School of Education at University of Southern California (USC).

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106

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