About this journal

Aims and scope

The Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing® encourages diversity in approaches to business marketing theory development, research methods, and managerial problem solving. An editorial board comprised of outstanding, internationally recognized scholars and practitioners ensures that the journal maintains impeccable standards of relevance and rigorous scholarship.

The Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing® features:

  • basic and applied research that reflects current business marketing theory, methodology, and practice
  • articles from leading researchers covering topics of mutual interest for the business and academic communities
  • a summary for business marketing practitioners and a structured abstract accompanying each article
  • commentaries from the business world provided by leading business thinkers
  • a book review section which reviews books of pertinent and direct interest to academics and professionals in business-to-business marketing

Main topical areas covered by the journal include: business / organizational buyer relationship management, business / organizational buying behavior, business / organizational buyer-seller dyad, business / organizational networks and alliances, industrial segmentation, business marketing strategy, fostering ethical business marketing practices / legal issues / government regulation and traditional business marketing mix areas such as industrial products / business services, ideas and experiences, managing innovations, business brands / packaging, industrial pricing (negotiations, bidding), industrial distribution-logistics and supply chain management, promotion (industrial selling and sales management, trade shows, direct marketing methods, sales promotions and all forms of industrial advertising), and the impact of the Internet on all areas of business marketing practice.

The domain of business-to-business marketing encompasses all phenomena involving transactions, exchanges, and relationships in any dyad involving organizations, institutions, and resellers. It is a broad concept encompassing the marketing of business services and industrial products—as well as reseller phenomena—with domestic and/or global perspectives. The journal publishes articles that address any topic within this broad definition. Academics and industry professionals are invited to submit manuscripts to the journal that can contribute to the science and practice of business marketing.

Appropriate Structure

The JBBM is a scholarly journal committed to publishing a broad spectrum of conceptual and empirical articles that offer theoretical, methodological or substantive managerial contributions to the field. The following is a partial list of the nature of manuscripts we consider for review and publication:

  • Manuscripts providing thorough review and synthesis of relevant areas within business marketing literature.
  • Manuscripts enhancing our understanding of business marketing phenomena that rely on qualitative and/or quantitative methodology.
  • Manuscripts using case studies to derive or demonstrate best practices or explicate business marketing theory.
  • Manuscripts integrating concepts and tools from cognate disciplines such as accounting, anthropology, economics, finance, law, organizational behavior, psychology, social psychology, sociology and strategic management.
  • Manuscripts reporting generalizable empirical findings.
  • Manuscripts developing models of business marketing phenomena that are descriptive, predictive, normative or decision based.
  • Manuscripts that improve business marketing theories, methods or practice.
  • Manuscripts focusing on events and trends effecting business marketing.
  • Manuscripts focusing on other areas of business marketing that may be significant for the JBBM’s evolving constituencies.

*These editorial statements and policies are modeled after those of the American Marketing Association’s Journal of Marketing, which has set the standard for the field of Marketing since 1936.

The Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing® is pleased to offer the Outstanding Article of the Year award for best paper of the volume. The winner receives a cash award plus a handsome framed certificate.

Peer Review Policy

All articles appearing in Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing have undergone an initial screening by the Editor and a subsequent anonymous double anonymized peer review process typically consisting of three permanent editorial board members who hold either a PhD or DBA.

Editorial Mission*

Established in 1991, the Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing fosters the evolution of business marketing thought based on research that is both relevant and rigorous – uttered as one if humanly possible. The JBBM is a quarterly publication of Taylor and Francis and one of many premier thematic scholarly journals within the discipline of Marketing.

The publication policies and double anonymized review process of the JBBM are designed to lead to the development and dissemination of best business marketing concepts, methodologies and practices. It is the JBBM’s mission to promote their use by commercial enterprises, institutions, governments and resellers for the enhancement of industry and society at large.

Editorial Goals*

To provide a forum for the advancement of business marketing science, art and practice.

To foster a dialogue about business marketing phenomena through synthesizing experiences from all constituencies the JBBM serves.

To dissolve the false boundary between the “scholarly” and the “practical.” Both “sides” can continue to learn from each other.

JBBM Positioning*

As the premier scholarly journal for business marketing, the JBBM is positioned to focus on substantive issues in basic research about business marketing phenomena and associated managerial practices.

The JBBM publishes articles on a variety of issues contributing to the advancement of the science and art of business marketing. These articles may focus on theory development/enhancement, methodology or managerial practice.

Target Readership*

Our readership includes business marketing practitioners in all industries and educators at all levels who are concerned with business marketing theory, methodology and practice. Our subscribers want to remain knowledgeable and sustain their understanding about the topical areas covered by the JBBM. Our readers are conscientious and circumspect business marketing practitioners and academicians.

*These editorial statements and policies are modeled after those of the American Marketing Association’s Journal of Marketing, which has set the standard for the field of Marketing since 1936.


Business marketing professionals in all industries and educators at all levels whose work is concerned with marketing either business services or industrial products. These individuals are also invited to write for the journal, which is concerned with contributions to our understanding of the science, art, and practice of business marketing.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Journal metrics


  • 48K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 2.0 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 2.5 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 2.2 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • 0.551 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.370 (2023) SJR

Editorial board

Forrest Zhilin Yang - City University of Hong Kong

Xi Li - University of Hong Kong
David (Yulong) Liu - Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Ardhendu Shekhar Singh - Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Rui Wang - Peking University
Yonggui Wang - Capital University of Economics and Business

Andreas Fürst - University of Erlangen - Nuremberg
Christian J. Homburg - University of Mannheim
Maciej Mitręga - Technical University of Ostrava (VSB), Czech Republic

North America
Tao (Tony) Gao -
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Michael W. Obal -
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Michael Rodriguez -
Campbell University
Robert E. Spekman -
University of Virginia
Thomas Steenburg -
University of Virginia
Ramendra Thakur -
University of Louisiana
Xinchun Wang -
West Virginia University
Yanhui Zhao -
University of Nebraska Omaha

Henry F.L. Chung -
Massay University 
Richard J. Varey -
University of Waikato
Ian F. Wilkinson -
University of Sydney
Louise C. Young - University of Technology, Sydney

South America
Marcos Inácio Severo de Almeida -
Federal University of Goiás

Sharon Purchase - University of Western Australia

Roberta Boccancelli - University of Urbino "Carlo Bo"
Annalisa Tunisini - Catholic University, Milan

North America
Carlos M. Rodriguez - Delaware State University
Elizabeth J. Wilson - Suffolk University

Das Narayandas - Harvard Business School

Russell Abratt - George Mason University
Houcine Akrout - Inseec University, Paris
Per Andersson - Stockholm School of Economics
Björn Axelsson - Stockholm School of Economics
Klaus Backhaus - University of Münster
Anthony Di Benedetto - Temple University
Neeraj Bhardwaj - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Sergio Biggemann - University of Otago, Dunedin
Harald Biong - Norwegian School of Management
Roberta Bocconcelli - University of Urbino
Elvira Bolat - Bournemouth University
Frank V. Cespedes - Harvard Business School
Tat Huei Cham - USCI Graduate Business School, UCSI University
Dae Ryun Chang - Yonsei University, Seoul
Pradeep K. Chintagunta - University of Chicago
Ilenia Confente - University of Verona
Victoria L. Crittenden - Babson College
Jody L. Crosno - West Virginia University
Shirish P. Dant - Aetna, Inc., Hartford
Ramarao Desiraju - University of Central Florida
Robert F. Dahlstrom - Farmer School of Business, Miami University
Andrea L. Dixon - Baylor University
Diane R. Edmondson - Middle Tennessee State University
Andreas Eggert - University of Paderborn
Pantea Foroudi - Middlesex University
Firat Fuat - University of Texas-Pan American
Jens Geersbro - Copenhagen Business School
Hans Georg Gemünden - Norwegian Business School, Oslo
Ahmed I. Ghoneim - University of Cairo
Srinath Gopalakrishna - University of Missouri-Columbia
Spiros Gounaris - University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Yany Gregoire - HEC Montreal
Christian Grönroos - Hanken School of Economics
Suraksha Gupta - Newcastle University
Håkan Håkansson - BI Norwegian Business School
Debbie Harrison - BI Norwegian Business School
Jan B. Heide - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jonathan D. Hibbard - Boston University
Michael D. Hutt - Arizona State University
Peter J. Hwang - University of Tarfu
Dawn Iacobucci - Vanderbilt University
Bruce Isaacson - MMR Strategy Group, Encino
Bernard J. Jaworski - Claremont Graduate School
Kamel Jedidi - Columbia University
Ove Jensen - WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
Dan Jin - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Wesley J. Johnston - Georgia State University
Kaouther Kooli - Bournemouth University
Son Lam - University of Georgia
C. Jay Lambe - Seattle University
Daniel Laufer - Victoria University, Wellington
Mark Leach - University of Wyoming
Adam Lindgreen - Copenhagen Business School
Alan J. Malter - University of Illinois at Chicago
Lucy M. Matthews - Middle Tennessee State University
Jan Y. R. Mattsson - Roskilde University
Lars-Gunnar Mattsson - Stockholm School of Economics
Damien McLoughlin - University College Dublin
K. E. Kristian Möller - Helsinki School of Economics
Håns Müehlbacher - University of Innsbruck
Francis J. Mulhern - Northwestern University
Venkat Mummalaneni - Virginia State University
Das Narayandas - Harvard Business School
Peter Naude - Manchester Business School
Christina Öberg - Lund University
Sejo Oh - Yonsei University, Seoul
Ralph A. Oliva - Pennsylvania State University
Sena Ozdemir - Coventry University
Robert Palmatier - University of Washington
Hugh M. Pattinson - University of Technology Sydney
Richard E. Plank - University of South Florida
Sharon Purchase - University of Western Australia
V. Kasturi Rangan - Harvard Business School
Vithala R. Rao - Cornell University
David A. Reid - Bowling Green State University
Thomas Ritter - Copenhagen Business School
Carlos M. Rodriguez - Delaware State University
Sungmin Ryu - Sung Kyun Kwan University
C.M. Sashi - Florida Atlantic University
Jagdish N. Sheth - Emory University
Merlin Stone - St. Marys University
Thomas Tellefsen - College of Staten Island
Harri Terho - Turku School of Economics
Annalisa Tunisini - Catholic University, Milan
Nektarios Tzempelikos - Anglia Ruskin University
Christophe van den Bulte - University of Pennsylvania
Kenneth Wathne - University of Stavanger
Elizabeth J. Wilson - Suffolk University
Arch G. Woodside, Jr. - Boston College
Len Tiu Wright - De Montfort University
Guijun Zhuang - Xi'an Jiaotong University

J. David Lichtenthal - City University of New York, 1995–2022
David T. Wilson - Pennsylvania State University, 1991–1995

Abstracting and indexing

Journal of Business to Business Marketing is abstracted/indexed in:

• De Gruyter Saur

° Dietrich's Index Philosophicus

° IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur

° Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur

• EBSCOhost

° Academic Source Alumni Edition

° Academic Search Complete

° Academic Search Elite

° Academic Search Premier

° Academic Search Ultimate

° Business Source Alumni Edition

° Business Source Complete

° Business Source Corporate

° Business Source Corporate Plus

° Business Source Elite

° Business Source Premier

° Current Abstracts

° MasterFile Complete

° MasterFile Premier

° Professional Development Collection

° Sales & Marketing Source

° TOC Premier (Table of Contents)

• Elsevier BV

° Scopus

• ProQuest

° ABI/INFORM Collection

° ABI/INFORM Global (American Business Information)

° ABI/INFORM Research (American Business Information)

° Business Premium Collection

° Professional ABI/INFORM Complete

° Professional ProQuest Central

° ProQuest 5000

° ProQuest 5000 International

° ProQuest Central

• Thomson Reuters

° Emerging Sources Citation Index

° Social Science Citation Index

° Web of Science

Open access

Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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