About this journal

Aims and scope

Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian is no longer accepting submissions.

Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian focuses on the production, collection, organization, dissemination, retrieval, and use of information in the social and behavioral sciences. This peer-reviewed journal publishes articles on all aspects of behavioral and social sciences information, with emphasis on librarians, libraries, and the users of social science information in libraries and information centers. The Journal publishes articles devoted to descriptive and critical analyses of information resources within particular fields; publishing trends; reference and bibliographic instruction; indexing and abstracting; thesaurus building and database construction; bibliographic and numeric databases and more.

The Journal welcomes original research from a variety of disciplines, including the core fields of anthropology, sociology, economics, psychology, communication studies, education, political science, and those parts of history relying on social scientific methods and approaches—language and area studies and the study of special populations, such as Latin American studies, ethnic studies, and women's studies.

Readership: Professionals with a common interest in the use of information in the behavioral and social sciences, including librarians and information specialists, collection development administrators, scholars, teachers, policymakers, publishers, and database producers

Peer Review Policy:  All research articles in Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.


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Abstracting and indexing

Behavioral & Social Science Librarian is abstracted and indexed in: De Gruyter Saur; IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur; EBSCOhost Online Research Databases; Academic Search Complete; CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature); ERIC Education Resources Information Center; INSPEC; H.W. Wilson Indexes; SocINDEX; Elsevier BV; Scopus; E-psyche; Gale; National Library of Medicine; PubMed; OCLC; ArticleFirst; Ovid; Personal Alert; ProQuest; British Humanities Index (Online); LISA: Library & Information Science Abstracts; PAIS International; Taylor & Francis; and VINITI RAN.

All Library & Information Science journals are subject to the Zero Embargo Green OA Policy, which states that authors retain copyright of their article & are entitled to Green Open Access, allowing authors to post their Accepted Manuscripts to repositories, social media, personal webpages, etc. immediately upon publication.
More information on the Zero Embargo Green OA Policy can be found here.

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