About this journal

Aims and scope

Journal of East-West Business is now listed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index

Journal of East-West Business is a quarterly journal that deals with contemporary and emerging aspects of business studies, strategies, development, and practice as they relate to the Russian Federation, the new republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and Eastern/Central Europe-and business relationships with other countries of the world.

The Journal of East-West Business is international in scope and treats business issues from comparative, cross-cultural, and cross-national perspectives. The journal features an Editorial Advisory Board that represents the Russian Federation, Eastern/Central European, and Baltic states in this new business arena. The journal covers an enormous gamut of inquiry, including:

  • privatization of state enterprises
  • management training and development
  • foreign direct investment
  • entrepreneurship and small business development
  • joint ventures and strategic alliances
  • telecommunications in Central Europe
  • case studies
  • transformation to the free-market economy system
  • enhancement of distribution
  • foreign direct investment
  • management of technology transfer and reverse technology transfer
  • export/import and trade development
  • free trade and industrial growth
  • market research in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
  • international licensing/franchising
  • development of tourism in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
  • capital financing and budgeting
  • other emerging topics of critical concern to countries in this area

The Editorial Board of the Journal of East-West Business is truly international and unites practicing businessmen and academics of East and West in a common aim-to produce a journal oriented to business in the area that is relevant, readable, and credible.

Peer Review Policy:
All articles published in Journal of East-West Business have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees who are subject experts.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Journal metrics


  • 20K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.2 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 1.4 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 2.1 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 0.424 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.320 (2023) SJR


  • 13 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 17 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 29% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Dr. Desislava Dikova
Department of Global Business and Trade
Institute for International Business
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Vienna University of Economics and Business

Ahmad Arslan - Oulu University, Finland
Maja Makovec Brencic - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Piotr Bula - University of Economics, Poland
Tomas Cahlik - Charles University, Czech Republic
Claude Cellich - International University in Geneva, Switzerland
Petr Chadraba - DePaul University, USA
Michael R. Czinkota - Georgetown University, USA
Sonia Ferencikova - University of Economics, Bratislava, Slovakia
Carolyn Erdener - Kimep University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta - University of Naples L'Orientale, Italy
J. Michael Geringer - California Polytechnic University, USA
Tomasz Golebiowski
- Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Nigel Holden -
University of Central Lancacshire, USA
Patricia Huddleston
- Michigan State University
Peter Hultèn
- Hull University, UK
Frédéric Jallat
- ESCP, France
Kalman Kalotay
- UNCTAD, Switzerland
Besnik Krasniqi -
Univeristy of Prishtina, Kosovo
Andrei Kuznetsov
- University of Central Lancashire, UK
Jorma Larimo
- University of Vaasa, Finland
Donghong Li
- Tsinghua University, China
Kari Liuhto -
Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland
Ivan M. Manev -
University of Maine, USA
Marin Marinov -
University of Gloucestershire, UK
Rick Molz
- Concordia University, Canada
Ivan Montiel - Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, USA
Jan Nowak
- Tischner European University, Poland
Arto Ojala -
University of Vaasa, Finland
Durdana Ozretic-Dosen -
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Andrei Panibratov -
Saint Petersburg University, Russia
Nicolas Papadopoulos
- Carleton University, Canada
Evgeny Polyakov -
Elliott Group, Ebara Corporation, UK
Jan Napolean Saykiewicz -
Duquesne University, USA
Arnold Schuh -
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Habte Gebre Selassie
- University of Bedfordshire, UK
Bruno Sergi
- University of Messina, Italy
Alexander Settles
- Higher School of Economics, Russia
Dmitry A. Shtykhno
- Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia
David E. Smith -
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Aleksandar Stojkov - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Macedonia
Marjan Svetlicic - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
George Tesar
- Umea University, Sweden
Shawn Thelen
- Hofstra University, USA
Anatoly Zhuplev
- Loyola Marymount, USA

Abstracting and indexing

Abstracted/Indexed in:

• De Gruyter Saur

° Dietrich’s Index Philosophicus

° IBZ – Internationale Bibiographie der Geistes-undSozialwissenschaftlichen

° Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes – und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur

• EBSCOhost

° Academic Search Alumni Edition

° Academic Search Complete

° Academic Search Elite

° Academic Search Premier

° Academic Search Ultimate

° Business Source Alumni Edition

° Business Source Complete

° Business Source Corporate Plus

° Business Source Elite

° Business Source Premier

° Current Abstracts

° Hospitality & Tourism Complete

° Hospitality & Tourism Index

° MasterFILE Complete

° MasterFILE Premier

° TOC Premier

• Elsevier BV


° Scopus

• FIZ Technik e.V.

° TEMA – Technology and Management

• National Periodical Library

° Guide to Social Work, Social Science and Religion in Periodical Literature (Online)

• Ovid

° EconLit

• Periodica Islamica

• ProQuest

° ABI/INFORM Collection

° ABI/INFORM Research

° Business Premium Collection

° EconLit

° Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management, Selective

° International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Core

° PAIS Index, Selective

° Politics Collection

° Professional ABI/INFORM Complete

° Professional ProQuest Central

° ProQuest 5000

° ProQuest 5000 International

° ProQuest Central

° Risk Abstracts (Online), Selective

° Social Science Premium Collection

• Thomson Reuters

° Emerging Sources Citation Index

° Web of Science


° Referativnyi Zhurnal

Open access

Journal of East-West Business is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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  1. Increase the discoverability and readership of your article
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  3. Freely share your work with anyone, anywhere
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  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

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