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Journal overview

The Journal of Women & Aging is an international, multidisciplinary, and peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research. The Journal is intended for researchers, educators, and practitioners. It provides a comprehensive guide to women’s experiences as they age and includes research on gender and the life course.

  • We welcome articles from multiple disciplines, including the social and behavioral sciences. Submissions span many fields, including but not limited to anthropology, communication studies, gender and women’s studies, gerontology, health sciences, psychology, public health, social work, and sociology.
  • Manuscripts focus on women’s aging experiences and are guided by a variety of conceptual frameworks, including life course theory. Topics have included:
    • diversity and aging
    • intersectionality
    • health behaviors and health outcomes
    • quality of life
    • caregiving
    • social determinants of health
    • community needs assessments and interventions
    • social implications of retirement
    • communication and aging
    • health promotion

  • Although these are topics that were the focus of prior articles, submissions do not need to be limited to these areas of study.
  • We welcome research that is quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods in nature, as well as papers that make a substantive contribution to theory.*
  • Submissions using primary and/or secondary data collection and review papers are welcome.
  • Full-length research articles, brief reports, and review papers are welcome.
  • The Journal of Women & Aging Editors and Editorial Board Members request that submitting authors use language that is not ageist and request that terms such as elderly, seniors, and senior citizen be avoided. Elder should only be used if in reference to elders of Indigenous nations. Please use terms such as older adult, older person, older community members.

  Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106 .

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