Journal overview

The Journal of Disability & Religion provides an interfaith, interdisciplinary forum for people interested in the intersections of religion, disability, human services, and academic research to come together, meet, and learn. The aim of this exchange is to support people with disabilities and their families as well as those who are working with them in the purview of their faith communities and traditions. It addresses religious and spiritual practices and beliefs from the perspective of inclusive communities for people with disabilities.

The Journal of Disability & Religion combines academic papers and reflective articles representing religious, spiritual, social, cultural, and scientific points of view. They include research, pastoral reflections, theology, religious studies as well as stories about personal journeys. It addresses the critical religious, moral, and spiritual issues raised by people working in the field.

The Journal of Disability & Religion supplies an equal place for the voices of people with disabilities and their families as they encounter and address services and supports in the world of faith and health. It explores such issues as: meeting the spiritual needs of people with learning disabilities; seminal religious attitudes toward people with disabilities; inclusive ministries, inclusive religious education; perspectives on disabilities from the world's religions; and much more!

The editors and writers for the Journal of Disability & Religion believe that disability and the good life are not opposite notions. Disabilities in one area may co-exist with substantial well-being in other areas of life. The Journal interprets disability to include a variety of physical and mental impairments. Most issues of the Journal include exemplary examples from research, theory, practice, and personal pilgrimage. Special thematic issues of the Journal have included collections of key writers and leaders in spirituality and disability (e.g. Robert Perske, Wolf Wolfensberger, and Stanley Hauerwas), interfaith perspectives on disability, the history of theological reflections on disability, disability & sports, and more. Proposals for thematic and guest edited volumes are welcome.

Peer Review Policy:
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double anonymized and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. Other articles based on personal reflections, sermons, or stories are occasionally published in this Journal based on editorial review and decision.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

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