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Journal overview

Journal for the Study of Spirituality is a peer-reviewed journal which creates a unique interdisciplinary, inter-professional and cross-cultural forum where researchers, scholars and others engaged in the study and practices of spirituality can share and debate the research, knowledge, wisdom and insight associated with spirituality and contemporary spirituality studies.

The International Network for the Study of Spirituality (INSS) organises a biennial international conference and welcomes enquiries about membership from those interested in the study of spirituality in any part of the world.

The journal is concerned with what spirituality means, and how it is expressed, in individuals’ lives and communities and in professional practice settings; and with the impact and implications of spirituality in, and on, social policy, organizational practices and personal and professional development. The journal recognises that spirituality and spiritual values can be expressed and studied in secular contexts, including in scientific and professional practice settings, as well as within faith and wisdom traditions.

Thus, Journal for the Study of Spirituality particularly welcomes contributions that:

  • identify new agendas for research into spirituality within and across subject disciplines and professions;
  • explore different epistemological and methodological approaches to the study of spirituality;
  • introduce comparative perspectives and insights drawn from different cultures and/or professional practice settings;
  • aim to apply and develop sustained reflection, investigation and critique in relation to spirituality and spiritual practices;
  • critically examine the values and presuppositions underpinning different forms of spirituality and spiritual practices;
  • incorporate different forms of writing and expressions of spirituality.

Journal for the Study of Spirituality includes:

  • Research papers based on completed research or substantial work-in progress (epistemological and methodological approaches should be clarified for the benefit of readers from different disciplines and cultures);
  • Scholarly articles exploring understandings of spirituality, including within professional practice settings;
  • Critically reflexive and/or analytical autoethnographic accounts of the experience or practice of spirituality;
  • Critique/discussion papers designed to generate debate from one issue to the next;
  • Book reviews of recent publications;
  • Occasional review essays focussing on established texts in the field.

Peer Review Policy:
All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.

Book Reviews are commissioned for Journal for the Study of Spirituality by the Book Reviews Editor. Enquiries or suggestions for books to review should be sent to Dr Robyn Wrigley-Carr, [email protected]

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

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