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Journal overview

The Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy (NordSTEP) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal covering the relationships between educational policy, practice and research in different temporal and spatial configurations. All articles will be made permanently and freely available online immediately after acceptance, and publication is free of charge for the authors and their institutions.

NordSTEP welcomes theoretically rigorous papers that discuss and contribute to educational policy research. The journal calls for papers that analyse politics, policy making, the intersection of policies and practices, and the political nature of everyday encounters in formal and informal education from early childhood education to higher education and continuous learning. The journal publishes both theoretical and empirical papers across the spectrum. Articles published in the journal are not limited to the Nordic educational space, but should relate to, elaborate on, or be of relevance to the Nordic region and Nordic scholarship. In addition to original research articles the journal encourages submissions of high quality manuscripts including literature reviews and theoretical discussions, book reviews, responses/critiques and invited commentaries.
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