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Journal overview

The Journal of the Indian Ocean Region (JIOR) is the flagship journal of the Indian Ocean Research Group Inc - - and it is also affiliated with the Indian Ocean Rim Association - IORA. It publishes interdisciplinary social science and policy research on the nature and impact of the human uses of the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), and works to increase knowledge of a wide range of traditional and non-traditional security threats in order to maintain peace and stability in the IOR.

The journal seeks research articles, discussion papers, policy papers and book reviews on major Indian Ocean issues such as:

  • regional geopolitics
  • resource exploitation
  • conservation
  • maritime jurisdiction, coastal management, ocean laws, maritime security
  • underdevelopment
  • the problems of small island states
  • human and environmental security
  • human trade and cooperation

Interstate relations and non-traditional security threats thus constitute the substantive, but not necessarily exclusive, contents of the JIOR. In particular, Journal of the Indian Ocean Region seeks to:

  • Encourage research on geopolitical, security, economic, socio-cultural, environmental, scientific and technological issues relevant to the Indian Ocean region
  • Promote dialogue on the peaceful uses and ecologically sustainable development of maritime resources based on the principle of Common Heritage
  • Foster interstate cooperation in the sustainable management of ocean resources and the peaceful resolution of maritime disputes
  • Ensure a holistic discourse on the human and environmental security of the region among its states, peoples and communities
  • Contribute to an understanding of the causes as well as the effects of a wide range of non-traditional Regional security threats
  • Facilitate information flow and discussion on international maritime regimes and the rights of states and local communities representing the Indian Ocean region
  • Initiate informed policy debate among governments, NGOs, business groups, academics and other stakeholders in the Indian Ocean region on issues of common concern

Peer Review Statement

All research articles and review articles are subject to a rigorous peer review process, based on initial Editor screening and double anonymous refereeing by a minimum of two external specialist referees. Introductions, discussions and research notes are reviewed by an Editor and at least one independent referee. Editorials and book reviews are assessed by the Editors but are not externally peer reviewed.

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