Journal overview

The Transactional Analysis Journal is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal focusing on transactional analysis theory, principles and applications in various fields, including psychotherapy, counselling, education and organizational development. Published quarterly since 1971, it offers scholarly articles from all theoretical perspectives and fields of application, including quantitative and qualitative research, case studies, literature surveys, books reviews and reflective essays.

The Transactional Analysis Journal is published by the ITAA Foundation, an affiliate of the International Transactional Analysis Association, Inc., a nonprofit educational corporation to advance the theory, principles, and practice of transactional analysis.

The ITAA gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA) for the Transactional Analysis Journal.

Peer Review Integrity

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal and, if found suitable for further consideration, to double anonymized peer review by independent expert referees.

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Sue Eusden et al.
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Karen Minikin
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Michael Korpiun
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