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Journal overview

Scandinavian Actuarial Journal is a journal for actuarial sciences that deals, in theory and application, with mathematical methods for insurance and related matters.

The bounds of actuarial mathematics are determined by the area of application rather than by uniformity of methods and techniques. Therefore, a paper of interest to Scandinavian Actuarial Journal may have its theoretical basis in probability theory, statistics, operations research, numerical analysis, computer science, demography, mathematical economics, or any other area of applied mathematics; the main criterion is that the paper should be of specific relevance to actuarial applications.

It is the hope of the editors that the journal can promote progress in the development of actuarial methodology and the proliferation of established methods in practical actuarial work. A special workshop section is intended to stimulate cooperative efforts between practitioners and theoreticians to solve real-life actuarial problems. The workshop will be open for papers at any level of theoretical preparation, from mere descriptions of practical problems with pleas for help, via discussions and tentative solutions, to complete theoretical treatment of these problems. The journal also publishes survey articles and empirical studies. All articles are refereed.

Scandinavian Actuarial Journal has been published since 1918. It is published for the Danish Society of Actuaries, the Actuarial Society of Finland, the Norwegian Society of Actuaries and the Swedish Society of Actuaries.


Actuarial scientists - both practitioners and theoreticians.

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