Gynecological Endocrinology, Volume 33, Issue 10 (2017)

Gynecological Endocrinology, Volume 33, Issue 10 (2017)

Mild Ovarian Stimulation vs Gn RH Agonist Protocol: A Meta-Analysis

Anorexia Nervosa in Adolescents

Ovarian Stimulation and IVF Pregnancy in Trisomy X Carrier with HH

Primary Ovarian Carcinoid

Chemerin Levels in First Trimester and GDM Risk

Thyroid Hormone Levels Among Chinese Pregnant Women

Endometrial Injury Effect on IVF Implantation and Pregnancy Rates

Vitrified-Warmed Blastocyst Transfer Day: A RCT

IUI and Predictive Value of Luteal Progesterone and Estradiol Levels

Different AMH Assays Utility for Pregnancy Prediction

Predictive Value of AMH and AFC in IVF-PGD Treatment

AMH in PCOS and in Isolated Polycystic Ovarian Morphology Patients

Extension of Clomiphene Citrate Protocol TO Gonadotropin in CC Resistant PCO

Isoflavons and Estrogen Effects on Rat Adrenal

Premature Thelarche and ER Gene Polymorphism

Kisspeptin Levels in Lactational Amenorrhea

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