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Journal overview

The Canadian Journal of Art Therapy is the official journal of the Canadian Art Therapy Association/l'Association canadienne d'art-thérapie (CATA/ACAT). 

Through a Two-Eyed Seeing Approach, the Journal aims to enhance the profession and practice of art therapy through both BIPOC and Western ways of knowing. Through one eye open, the scope of the journal focuses on publishing ethical, empirical, and original scholarly research. Through the other eye open, the journal will also honor anti-colonial, anti-oppressive, and Indigenized art therapy research and practice (Bartlett et al., 2012). Through both eyes open, the Canadian Journal of Art Therapy aims to create a culturally safe space for Art Therapy inquiry and research with the aim to enhance research and practice in the field.

The journal incorporates Canadian, BIPOC, and international voices of art therapy to:

  • Advance the understanding and use of innovative art therapy theories, interventions and practices;
  • Promote diverse ethical research methodologies and perspectives in art therapy, including arts-based research, quantitative and qualitative research;
  • Further knowledge and education in the field of art therapy for mental health and allied professionals;
  • Decolonize research practices and storytelling to avoid extractive approaches to research on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) communities as well as to give space to the voices within BIPOC Art Therapy research.

Please note that we do not accept research that does not comply with Canadian Art Therapy Association’s Code of Ethics. We do not accept submissions that perpetrate oppressive and colonial perspectives and biases.

Peer Review Policy: All articles in this journal have undergone rigorous double anonymized peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing.

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