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A model of teacher agency in professional development and school reform

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  • Bandura, A. (2001). Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 52, 1–26.
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  • Imants, J., Wubbels, T., & Vermunt, J. (2013). Teachers’ enactments of workplace conditions and their beliefs and attitudes toward reform. Vocations and Learning, 6(3), 323–346.
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  • Luttenberg, J, Imants, J, & Van Veen, K. (2013). Reform as an ongoing positioning process: the positioning of a teacher in the context of reform. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 19(3), 293–310.
  • Luttenberg, J., Van Veen, K., & Imants, J. (2013). Looking for cohesion: the role of search for meaning in the interaction between teacher and reform. Research Papers in Education, 28(3), 289–308.
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